Wicked Zombies


Kitty Kat's Blog – May 2011 Archive (13)

The Magic Is Lost

I knew this would happen sooner or later. The question was, how soon?


Of course, I thought about that over and over, but I wasn't really that worried. In fact, I was more of: Live in the now, not the past or future. Because if I think too much about those times, my anxiety overcomes me and I lose myself in stress.



Added by Kitty Kat on May 30, 2011 at 12:00am — 3 Comments

Complications Aren't So Bad

Oh yes, I'm back with more complicated stuff. Kinda sad, but you know, I just wanna talk and get it out of my system, and also hear what everyone else has to say. 


So, today I found out that my boy has been harboring a lot of things... he's been working very hard, and has also been worrying about hurting me. For a long time, I was starting to get anxious because he…


Added by Kitty Kat on May 22, 2011 at 10:37pm — 3 Comments

Not Deserving Of A Title

I'm scared. Simple. Of what? Stating my opinion. Saying what I want to say. I'm really nervous because I know I say a lot of negative things sometimes, but I try really hard to write about happy things, to look on the upside, to smile. I worry that if I talk too much about how I feel, because lately it's been a lot more on the negative side, you guys are all gonna stop reading my blogs. 



Added by Kitty Kat on May 18, 2011 at 12:10am — 1 Comment

Music and Stuff

I have a video to show you all, and it's all because my boy insists that I show it off to the world. Today, during band class, because we had a substitute, I got to go into another room and do whatever the hell I wanted basically. So of course, I lock myself into the practice room in the orchestra room, which was very vacant at the time. There's a piano in there, which is why that was so appealing to me. So, for an hour, I messed around on the piano. During that…


Added by Kitty Kat on May 17, 2011 at 1:30am — 4 Comments

Trust And Lack Of It

For reasons from my past, I have a hard time trusting guys. I don't mean to be like that, because not all guys are the same, but one traumatic event leads to a whole series of mistrust.


What I really want to say is that I think my trust issues are slowly being fixed. I've always been rather cautious and protective…


Added by Kitty Kat on May 16, 2011 at 12:33pm — 6 Comments

Un-contained Excitement

I am embarrassed when I get packages in the mail. My reactions are outrageous!! I get so excited over the package that I do a happy dance, want to call all my friends and tell them what I've got, and I squeal. Yes, I squeal over the package! Not only that, but I start giggling, and then I rush to rip the package open.


Why am I talking about packages? Haha, I know it was…


Added by Kitty Kat on May 13, 2011 at 6:05pm — 7 Comments

Trying New Things Doesn't Help The Dentist

I hate the color pink, so I'm not sure why I'm using the color today :P


Ahhh, it's been a few days since I've posted anything. The most eventful stuff that happened is kinda exciting... KINDA.



Added by Kitty Kat on May 11, 2011 at 11:27am — 4 Comments

What Comes Next?

Gotta admit... this is the first blog kind of thing I've ever done, and really, it's addicting. It's nice to know that there are people out in the world who are interested in reading my posts and actually comment on them. It makes me feel appreciated, and like I actually exist in this world, instead of being a shadow.



Added by Kitty Kat on May 6, 2011 at 2:06pm — 4 Comments

Damsel In Distress

So I predicted how today was going to turn out pretty well yesterday. Have you ever wanted something so badly, and you tried your hardest to make it happen, but everything backfired and it turned out how you, unfortunately, knew it would? Yeah, happened to me, of course. I did my best to make today a good day, but with one event after another, I found it increasingly difficult to keep a smile pasted on my face. 



Added by Kitty Kat on May 5, 2011 at 6:00pm — 1 Comment

Fun Day At School

So I figured that I might as well have fun with colors in my blog. Why make everything so monotonuously the same? Although I have noticed that some of the colors make it difficult to read... hmm.. I'll have to mess around some more.


Anyway, onto the topic that I really want to discuss! Today (so far) has been such a fun day at school! At first, it started out terribly. I'd…


Added by Kitty Kat on May 4, 2011 at 2:50pm — 8 Comments

Rainy Days, Summer Wishes

I've never really liked the rain, but I can tolerate it. Sometimes it's very refreshing after a long dry, hot summer, the rain pouring down on my skin. The soft drops can be soothing, especially to the mind. But for months and months, it's been rainy and cloudy and just miserable. I miss my outside freedom in the warm light! Where did the sun go? It feels as if it's been gone so long it's just disappeared.


Actually, these past few days, it's been sunny outside, and I've been…


Added by Kitty Kat on May 4, 2011 at 11:04am — 4 Comments

World Together

I often have weird thoughts about all different kinds of things. I don't know how they're put into my head, usually it's just me staring off into space, thinking about a million and one different things all at once. Sometimes what I come up with in my head is truly weird, or something that is quite awesome to think about... or something entirely different.


Today, I've…


Added by Kitty Kat on May 2, 2011 at 8:46pm — 4 Comments

Another Day, Another Smile

Ahh, my previous post was distressing, yeah? I'm sorry for freaking out. Although I refuse to delete it, so that some day I can come back here and look at it and remember what goes through my mind in my childhood days.


As I have mentioned before, I am always stressed, have been for years. I am going to make a guess and say that part of my reaction came from stress and anxiety and my other disorders. But also, a part of it was just me overreacting. Truly…


Added by Kitty Kat on May 2, 2011 at 2:28pm — 3 Comments

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Blog Posts

Going through a lot


   Well, wanted to juststop in and check on things...Been a long time since I have stopped by...Well things are not going as well as I would have hoped, but, you know, that's life...

   Some good things are my son, has turned 18 and has also graduated high school...I'm very proud of him...He has plans of going back to school after the getting a job and saving money for the school with the music production studies he wants to do...So I am very proud of…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on June 26, 2023 at 1:00am

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