Wicked Zombies


George A. Romero Completes 'The Zombie Autopsies' Screenplay

Romero, who directed Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, Day of the Dead and many more iconic zombie films, was at hand at this past weekend’s Flashbackback horror convention in Chicago, IL. Website Daily Dead caught up with Romero who revealed that he’s completed the screenplay and hopes for it to be his next film.

Actually, the day before I left to come here, I finished the script and talked to Schloz about it,” he explained. “He approved it, so we sent it to my agents and they sent it around. You never know what’s going to happen, but it’s out in circulation and I hope it works out.

The book is about an isolated group of people doing autopsies on zombies during the zombie apocalypse and trying to figure out what the hell caused this. In it, the scientists discover that this is not a naturally occurring virus; they deduce that it must have been created by somebody. And they later discover that it was created by people who were trying to topple the economy…

I hope ['The Zombie Autopsies' is my next project],” Romero adds. “I never know what’s going to be next, because the one that’s going to be next is the one that finds the money first. I used to be the only guy in this playground, but now there’s too damn many. It’s very hard now, particularly with World War Z [the movie].

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i cant wait to see this when it comes out. especially now that i know George Romero had his expertise in this. it will be awesome!

who better really

the king of zombies. George Romero rules.

I'm a huge Dawn of the Dead fan.  My wife and I watched at least once a year.  

You know, sometimes his movies aren't the greatest, but they're always interesting.  He always works to give them layers.  I read the Zombie Autopsies and I never thought it would make a movie, but I'm intrigued.

R.J. Spears

i always loved his works. even when the last ones got poor reviews from fan and critic alike. i stood by his work. i am a true die hard Romero fan.

me too huge fan loved all his work but the new stuff not the best. he's trying to hard to make them black comedy's when he should stick to what he does best. suspenseful thrillers teaming with social commentary. which the commentary use to be subtle you had to look twice at it to find it. now he just trows it in your face he actually has the characters come out and explain it on screen. that being said i still love him his movies and have seen them all. but a lot of what might have made Romero great was luck. take night of the living dead. it is brimming with social commentary because ben was black. this was a time of civil right movement and you had a micro Cosme of that in the film with the friction between ben and the white father guys who name escapes me at the moment. but the script wasn't written the way, it was luck that the best actor in their group of friends happened to be African American. the film would have lost a lot of its power if instead they had cast a white guy. now the film still makes other powerful points. i always took Barbra's acting as a metaphor for rape. the way she acted and that famous line. "he grabbed me...he grabbed me and he tore at my cloths". great acting though at the time i doubt the actress was playing it that way. again luck. their are other great stuff in the film but to my point, i doubt the film would be as big as it is now and by extension zombies as big, if it wasn't for the luck far casting ben. that doesn't take away from Romero i still think he's a fine director. and it happens a lot in movies and books that after they come out people read into or mistake things in them that the creator never intended.

very true bro. but when it came to the works that people booed at. works like Diary of the Dead and Survival of the Dead. i think they were great films up to par with the rest of them. i just wish there were more zombie combat scenes. i love the fact that he went in depth on the new characters in Survival of the Dead. because zombies alone dont make the movie. the humans interacting with them does and where humans come into play. so does the need for background and a little drama. and they had that. the social statements are fine and dandy for those that look for them. but i always like to know some of what made the characters what they are.helps give the story meaning. and he has always done just that in my eyes.

yeah but the last few movies just felt scripted to me. his earlier works were much more organic. doesn't mean i didn't like them, just means they  weren't as good as the earlier ones. survival was also to cartoony for me. i mean that scene where the whole front of the shack blows up but everyone inside is fine. thats a strait up daffy duck moment. i was waiting for some to say "of course you know this means war"! should have focused more on the reality of fighting zombies then on funny kills. come on barbeque fork to the head. that was just stupid.

and the count down begins.... ZOMBIES! 

does anyone know the release date on this film by the way?

maybe this'll be a tv series or something like an anthology series

this would be nice. but it may have a hard time competing with The Walking Dead.


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