Wicked Zombies


There are many story's I'v heard (mostly war related) of people keeping trophy's or collecting things when they where on tour (WW2 vets mostly but I have friends in the army who do as well.) this ranges from anything from ears of kills to dog tags of fallen friends. Keepsakes that tell us where we have been or trophy's that show achievement or improvement.

So I raise this question to all you Survivors out there.

What would you do? I'v asked my friends and it's ranged from zombie teeth to engagements rings of family or dead.

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Wow you are really going for the gross!

   I was thinking about this, but then I thought about something.

   Would it be collecting heads if you were to take a walker heads, throwing them into a moat type defense around your main base, compound or camp, or even like some have said, using them as munitions for catapult type devices, or using them as booby traps??


yes i think that would make you a head hunter, it's not a bad idea, hears another put that heads on pikes around your property in a circle. they'll act as camouflage from zombies. as we learned from twd zombies disregard places where other zombies are. it's intimidating for anyone thinking of fucking with you. it may act as as an early warning system. if you hear the heads in a particular area snapping their jaws louder then the others then you know their might be something there. and you can push someone into them to act as traps.

have them swing down on ropes at unsuspecting tress passers. but as for your mote idea you would need a lot of heads just for say one small cabin. there are lots of things you can do with zombie head the least of wich is putting them in fish tanks and watching them like TVs.

call me soft hearted if you want to. but in no way could i use the zombie virus as a weapon against another. humanity may have taken a backslide during a z-poc. but how far of one depends on the individual. and i for one dont intend to take that far of a backslide. i know others may not be so gracious. but that is just me. i never approved of governments using germ warfare. as a result i have no intention of stooping to that level. i may fight barbarians when needed. but that does not mean i need to become one to do so.

thats why you have me, because i will be the barbarian, the mad dog, the sadist. an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, evil for evil.

lol. okay

hey you want me on that wall you need me on that wall!

   I guess that's where I differ from a lot of people. In order to protect those in my care, I'll use every tactical advantage I can get. Even if that means turning into The Governor character from The Walking Dead. I'll use everything within the world of the Z-poc to our world today to keep those within my care safe.

   Even if this means using walkers, bitters, dead heads or whatever you want to call them, as a wave of attack or a defensive measure. Either way, Protecting those within my care are the main priority. Will try meeting in neutral territory to work out a peaceful solution, but if nothing is worked out, I aint spending now 8 to 10 hours trying to deal with someone who doesn't want to just leave my people alone...

   So using the heads or even fully intact zombies in defensive or Battle phase will not and can not be left out as a way to protect those within your care. 

   And as for my moat idea, I think I figured out the solution. instead of just using heads, let the zombies fall in. Hell a 12 foot deep trench all the way around the outside of your compound's fencing, about 16 foot wide should give you the best results...This should allow for your team to cross over them without anyone being grabbed from below...Yes, I am suggesting that you just let them walk and fall into your pit of death...Once the moat starts to get to full, dump some fuel into the moat and light it up...This would be a good way to protect yourself and those in your care and stop the dead bastards from overwhelming your perimeter...

   As I said before, if it comes down to it, we all will turn to tactics just as the Governor did within The Walking Dead...No matter how much we believe or want to believe that people will have the same morals and respect for life and others, we all know that there'll be more people just out for themselves and what they can get, then those trying to do right and help others survive and strive during...

   I can see those of us keeping our humanity. But we all know it's going to be the darkened side of humanity that will keep us living during the reign of the dead...


can;t agree with you more brother being peaceful is for peace time, when war comes you gotta free the beast with in. but not every one can do that which is why i like the arrangement i set up with rhino. one group is the settlers they work on rebuilding everything, growing the food, keeping the lights on. stuff the goof peaceful ones are good for. then theirs my group, the guard dog, the black angels, the hunters. were the sword we deal with the shit of the wastes the shitty jobs that need to be done. i mean the kinda men you would need to have slit the governors throat in his sleep, or dropping walker into a hostel camp to wipe them out, aren't gonna make good farmers and doctors. just like how farmers and doctors wouldn't make good mercenary. thats why the governors last attack on the prison failed. everyone has to be in their place. you can't turn blood thirsty killers into model citizens and you can't turn the guy who's never killed a spider into a warrior. at least not without a strict training program blood sweet tears and mental abuse. thats why the army brakes you down first in boot camp. in order to rebuild you have to first have destruction. so rather going into battle with a bunch of whining bitches who will just run away or be cannon fodder. I'd rather have my own company of psychopaths standing by. 

as for the walker mote people have had that idea for ever. but digging that trench by hand will be a long back braking road. so unless very early on you can get access to a a back loaded i just don't see it happening. but if you do manage to get it built i suggest breaking all the zombies legs once they fall in so their is no possible way they can claw their way out. instead of the mote i would strap collars around the zombies necks with big chains anchoring them in place like dogs. use multiple zombies so that no mater which way you come at the compound a zombie will be their to block it. so while each zombie can only movie with in a certain area they work together to create an impenetrable zombie wall except for a hidden path that only you and your guys will know about that will keep you out of the zombies reach. like those old cartoons where the dog chases the cat till it reaches the end of its leash. you get me?

the problem with letting the beast out and becoming what you fight is this. when there is nothing more to fight then you end up turning on yourself and those around you. that little theory about tearing a man down and rebuilding him into a killer like the armed forces has? thats a classic example of that thinking. they to this day have men including combat vets that seemed perfectly normal just snap and kill their whole families and anyone around them until killed like a rabid dog. so when the zombies are all gone, the baddies all dealt with, what are you gonna do? there is no such thing as a forever war. even with the zombies. once things are back under control. are you gonna be able to reign in the beast? control the monster you let yourself become? you might be able to say yes now. but so did all those the army tore down and rebuilt that just one day snapped. if they lived? do you think they would have a different answer?

you would just assume i would say yes, i know theirs no going back once you cross that line trust me, but i don't think it will be a problem. given the nature of a zpoc peace will be beyond my life time. do you really think we'll be able to rebuild the world in just our lifetime. especially given the reduced lifespan that an apocalyptic environment carry's. no I'll be long dead before my services are no longer needed. but on the off chance that by some miracle i would live to see it and then go nuts. thats why i would have a man like you. your the safety. so then feel free to blow my head off like a walker. it's just the fate that those who dare to stare into the abyss must take.


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am

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