Wicked Zombies


I think its Cool, They some Movies, I like to see in black and white, Halloween1978, , 300, The Dark Knight, Freddy vs. Jason just to name a few

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I haven't watched any of them, I've seen all the episodes...it's cool and all, but nothing special to me

i dont watch TWD in black and white. to me. once seen in full vibrant color. to see them in B&W just loses something to me. makes them seem kinda hokey to me. like watching a film negative.

I will take Walking Dead anyway i can get it! 

normally i would agree with you. but i tried to watch the very first episode and i just didnt feel the rush with it in B&W as i did in color.

also the lack of rush because you know what's about to happen already. I did use it to try to get my girl to watch it from the beginning and catch up, but alas she is just not into zombies :(

even though i know what is about to happen in the prior episodes. without the color to it. the whole thing just lacks that special thing that makes my blood pump. its like looking at the photo negative for me. and that gives me no rush of adrenalin that the color does. the color to it makes more real to me. more personal to me. like its real life. that for me makes the blood rush. the B&W version? not even a heart beat skip or flutter.

It brings me back to NOTLD so I feel all warm and fuzzy inside. 

if you like the original. look up the anniversary edition. that is a sweet movie.


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Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on June 26, 2023 at 1:00am

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