Wicked Zombies


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i NEVER saw any benefits to something that dulls the senses Komrad Wayne. i like being alert myself. imagine this. the zombies hit. your holed up in what you think is now safe digs after hours of work. to reward yourself, you light up a joint and get high. but now you have a BIG problem. the zombies have broke in and you are now to high to fight them off much less run without staggering. what now? the zombies are gonna have a pot soaked meal because your senses are impaired and you cant get away. and Komrad MissmatazZ, the reason it makes you happy when you smoke it is because your getting the high it gives. i mean think about it. have you EVER seen someone smoke it and get depressed and cry? i never seen it myself. lol. its because the THC dulls the mind. that is why they have medical marijuana. they give it to terminal cancer patients so when the take the "pot pill" so to speak. they get high and feel no pain. in a terminal case i can see it. they got nothing left to lose. but i dont see legalizing it like a pack of cigarettes or cigars. then the DUI rates would jump and so will the accidents behind the wheel. and when the zombies hit, its not like things like this will be in abundance. and what little there is will be for sale for all that you have. best way is the sober way to survive. free the mind, the butt will follow.

Hell motherfuckin yeah spark that shit boo!

*rolls up eyes* the human race is El Fuckoed. lol.

i thought it was the toaster LMFAO!!!! buahahahah too fuckin funny :) Rhino my love, to each his own... Some like it some don't but there are prob 400 times the amount of drunk driving accidents as there are ppl who are high, and beer is legal, i don get it, ppl really dont do retarded shit when they are high, no one wants to go out and do ne thing when they are high,,, they wanna eat food and watch a movie!! seriously,

here is part 2 i was even thinking about not uploading this i made it the same night


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Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on June 26, 2023 at 1:00am

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