Wicked Zombies


The city is near void of life now, infested with the undead who are either dispersing or hunting down what ever survivors have holed up long enough. Outside of the city are a couple of abandoned Rescue Sites, and one military base outside of the city half a mile away, all infested with zombies. A survivor camp quite a bit away has its own area set up. A community of fourteen males, eight females, nine children and two of the elderly. They have resources and have taken control of a farm, having the resources to keep their plants growing. Note: If you so much as look infected they will open fire, but this will only occur at night, as they have scopes for the day to help identify people. 


Inside the city safe houses are scattered around by people who either had to much time on their hands, were already prepared for this whole thing or subjected themselves to long amounts of L4D games before making one of their own the moment they heard about the infection. These are stockpiled with basic legal weaponry such as hand guns, hunting shotguns, hunting rifles and a few other things. Food is also stocked, as well as a ham radio in most and a television in all, though other than re-runs of old shows, a few news broadcasting sites, and CDC health hazard warnings that will forever be on replay until someone shuts it off, nothing interesting or helpful is on.

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Luc blinked and half turned to see a man there, shouting Doms name. He looked from Dom to the man, then eyed the cars and the people that had gathered in a group behind him, without the man, before fully focusing on him. He arched a brow, tapping the rifle in his hand before holding it to where he would easily be able to aim and fire if needed. He inclined his head to the man, but said nothing. He didn't feel as if it was his buisness about the man adressing Dom, but he did however, see the look on his face when he looked inside his vihicle and made a discusted face. He smiled. "I assume you saw sweets by the look of it." He cleared his throat and leaned twords the man a bit to mumble to him. "She is rough on the edges, and doesnt look like a model from a magizine or anything, but shes a nice one, she is." He chuckled.

Dom was already turning, hearing the battalion arriving. Armored divisions. Looks like today's operations were going to go smoothly, and if he had control of these troops then he could assign them along the state-bordered territories and reinforce a grip over the ground to push any raiders out. He looked to Luc, patting his back softly before hearing his named called out. James, the Brit from earlier, rushed over and Dom smirked a little underneath his mask, pulling it up to show his face, "Ah, James, pleasure to see you again, and with reinforcements."


He looked over at the armored divisions and snapped towards Sweetwater and Dice who were around the fire, pointing over to the units that just entered the territory. The two moved out, grabbing their rifles to get the sit rec on what was going to occur. Three other troops around the fire also got up, heading a bit more towards the right, one dipping into the com-station while the other two went off to the barracks.


Dom looked to Luc and smirked a little, "Hey, go grab your stuff from the vehicle and head to the barracks. Look for a guy wearing glasses and has an Ace of Spades on a strap in his helmet. Looks kinda like the guy from that one movie. Full Metal Jacket. He'll update you a little and get you suited up in some more suitable clothes that won't fall apart if you take a 12-gauge to the chest." His eyes went back over to James and he nodded to the troops, "No air support? Or was all of it shot down?"

Luc smiled to Dom, giving a nod. "Oh I do love that movie." He joggs off to his car, looking over the new arrivals before turning and opening the drivers side door. By then the car was filled with the stench of rot and death, and he wrinkled his nose a bit, looking at the head a certain way that said. 'What the hell.' "Well thanks alot, Sweets, you go and get my car all weird smellling." He looks at her, pausing a moment, then scoffs, reaching under the drivers seat to take out a casn of Febreze and shakes it close to his ear. It was almost empty. He snruggs a bit and takes her, setting her on the hood and emptying the bottle into the car before he began searching through it. He would have to give up his duster. "Aw. Damn." He shakes his head, but decides if he was going to have to give it up it would be better then being shot in the chest or the back with its little protection. He began mumbleing lines that he had remembered from the movie, as he searched for anything he could use. "You are all pukes.." He grabbed the canteen of water he had, then his avenged sevenfold cds, and CD player. He shoved them all in a backback. He then got two loose batters from on the floor. Taking one more look around the car for anythign useful, he saw nothing, and climbed out, closing the door. He tucks the keys in his front pocket and pats the head on his hood. "See you later, Sweets, be nice to everyone, they are nice, too." With that, he turned from her and slung the bag over his sholder. He carried the rifle in his hands as he walks twords the barraks, and looks for the man that Dom had discribed. There where people. More then enough to get him a bit nervious. He drums his fingers on the rifle that was now his, shaking his head to get his mnid off them, and to focus on findong one. He reaches up and runs his hand through his short hair, making it look a bit spiked. Finnally he sees the man and straitens a bit in satisfaction, walking up to him and tapping his sholder. "Ah.Excuse me. I'm Luc. Dom told me to some and find you so I could be updated and... um. Givin better clothes." He holds a finger up as he rememebered what Dom had said a while before. "'That won't fall apart if you take a 12-gauge to the chest'" He chuckled and smiled to the man. "By the way he was right. You do look like the guy from Full Metal Jacket. I cant remember his name.."

"Erm, air support will be arriving on the day. The other half of the 8th and all of the 6th will be here tomorrow. The Royal Artillery Brigade will be here shortly, they will set up their long range arty in 30 miles outside California. A couple regiments of men are also on their way. War eh?" James laughed at the new guy, though he did creep him out a bit. He was talking to the head, and James questioned his sanity.


"The fuck is wrong with him?" He asked Dom.


"These men are under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Barnett. If you want anything to happen, just talk to him. He will need help on focusing his men on the weakest point in your line. The 6th and the other regiments are under the command of my dad now, so speak to me if you have any requests are anything. My place here isn't definite yet, I could be called to other lines. Did you find my Land Rover?"  

Dom listened to every word with careful intensive before nodding to James, "Alright, thanks for the information. As for him, his name's Luc. Partial mental issues. My troops are pulling up the files on him now through the military files here. He doesn't have a problem with killing things, though, and if he can kill something without feeling remorse then I think he can be useful. Doesn't mean I'm going to let him go to squads without precautions, but it does mean I'll sure as hell let him fight for us. To you, he's a Stalker. Just... One with partial insanity. I doubt he has anything like that, just more so anxiety that can trigger bad things to happen, but we all have that."


He smirked a little and pressed a cigarette between his lips, lighting the tip before taking a seat in a chair behind him, "And thanks for the info, I'll get to Barnett quickly enough, but for now I think we should talk about a few other things since you're a member of the Brits that I can trust enough to get something done. First. The Land Rover. Apparently some of the boys found it funny to suit it up with two LMGs and reinforce it with armor. I don't believe your father would really like that on his ride, so I had it removed and fixed up. I did, however, give it a little internal reinforcing so chances are raider's won't be killing the one driving it by a lucky shot into the Rover." He puffed his cigarette to the side sighing a little before pressing the cigarette back, rolling it gently to the other side of his mouth, "Second. I'm going to need some help talking to your guys. I don't want all of the troops heading directly to California. You guys want this territory secured for expansion so your government can take all of America over. It's exactly what the Russians want. I know it seems peaceful now, but in the end its going to end up as a full shitfest with losses that will probably end up being all of the British troops here as well as all American Military operatives, and shit, probably even all of my people. Your government wants this territory, and it doesn't need a reason to want it because America has enough supplies and can be mined enough to where its a barren rock in worse shape than Africa." He tapped the cigarette against the arm rest, it falling into a bucket of ashes, "Its what people do. They go to lend a hand, but nothing is for free, and what they'll want in return is everything. It WILL end up in war if things go that way, understand? And chances are after the Americans and Stalkers repel what British troops are here, your government will bomb everything in a clean sweep before sending in more troops to replace all of the hundreds of thousands, shit, probably millions that are dead and act like we were the bad guys. Why? Because those who win always write the history, whether it be lie or truth." He smashed out his cigarette before flicking it into the bucket, standing up and going off to see Lieutenant-Colonel Barnett.

James listened to Dom's speech. Seems like he had very opposing views of the Brits. James could understand why though. When the infection first hit, America being the first victim, the world turned their backs on America, setting up naval blockades and shooting down any aircraft leaving the states. NATO condemned America. This remained until the infection hit other countries, and all military force was called back to their countries. Americans had a right not to trust anyone, after what they had suffered.

When countries started clearing up, many countries raced for the oil fields of the Middle East, including the UK. James was among some of the troops sent there. He remembered the horrors that scar him to this day, the things they did to the natives. He wakes up screaming every night, the nightmares haunting him 2 years on.

"Hey Dom, you mind if I sleep away from everyone tonight? Wouldnt want to keep you awake with the radio noise."

He hated hiding from people, Dom, his dad, Higgins. He wanted to open up and tell someone, but he was under constant watch, like all the other troops that went with him. They wouldnt want to be exposed and would shoot him. They could be anyone, even a normal soldier, and James knew that his past would never die.

Dom stopped, looking at James with rather cold eyes, a few memories coming back from his time in the middle east thanks to his ranting. It reminded him of the people there and the minor forms of infection that started thanks to the bacterial contamination from Americans. It was hell. He, as well as his squad, almost didn't make it to the evac, but thanks to the pilot being someone close to Dom it stayed for the extra five minutes, catching him with the ladder just as the infected charged out after him and the last remaining member of his squad, Alejandro. They barely made it out of there... barely.


He blinked, breaking out from his memories to barely catch his question. He nodded a little and sighed, "Ah.. Yeah. Pick a tent or head to the empty warehouse down south we're working in. There should be a corner in there that's unoccupied. Set up a tent or something." He fell silent after that, turning and walking off to Barnett, tapping his shoulder with two fingers, "Yo, I was told to talk to you about getting shit done. If that's so we need to head to my office so we can get some shit done here. Just because the Russians are down for now doesn't mean they aren't coming back."

"Thanks Dom, I'll stay with you to talk to Barnett, you might need my help."

Dom walked up to Barnett and tapped his shoulders.

Barnett stared at him.

"And who would you be, and why aren't you in formation, private?" Barnett questioned.

"This guy is Dom, leader of the Stalkers and I am not officially in your division, I'm just tagging along for the ride really, so thats why I'm not in formation."

"Oh well that settles that then, now what do want to talk to me about?"

"Well I suggest you go to Dom's office and we can talk there."

~Russion POV~


"The Americans are still trapped and I've removed some of the men from our Anti-aircraft guns for the main attack to crush the Americans."

"Very good, Sergio, keep an eye on the British, I've received word that armour has arrived, so they could charge at our lines. I want you guys to get me some info on the key players, the Stalkers leader, U.S military commander and the British commander. I want constant surveillance on the soldier that keeps going to the Stalkers, seems like he has a lot to do with these attacks. Fetch me his file, I wanna know everything about him. His favourite food, schools, deployments, even his kill count if you can get it. Send a diplomat to London for negotiations, lets try and win the Brits over. Do the same with the U.S, send one to their stronghold. Tell them we will split the country 50/50 with whoever accepts our agreement."

"Yes sir, I'll get on that straight away."

"Good, now go."

Kirilenko thinks back to the war in the Middle East for the oil. The fierce fighting, many countries fighting each other for the oil. The Americans shared a brief conflict before evacuating. It was horrible how the countries did what they did. They tricked each other many times into thinking that they were there to rid the infection. Once the infection was dead, they turned on each other. The French attacked the British, Germans attacked the Italians, Russians attacked the Chinese. It was a massive scale war, and many conflicts clashed. The people in the Middle East were caught in the middle. They ran to the countries for safety, only to be shot down in cold blood. They werent there to help them, they wanted the limited oil resources, and the power that the country that took all would get. No one won in the end. Due to an all time high in suicide rates, all the countries pulled out and handed the countries back to their original owners, though most of their population were dead. 

Dom smirked a little to Barnett, though it wasn't out of joy, it was out of the man's ignorance. He seemed slow for a man of such high ranking, yet that wouldn't be to say he wouldn't end up being a great soldier, just a terrible commander of individuals. There were men meant to stay behind and watch the masses that he sent to go die and conquer, while there were men who were meant to lead their squads to victory as individuals, yet it was clear that the previous would always get the rewards for their lack of efforts on the battlefield. Dominic knew this all to well.


He rose up a thumb and nodded his head a little, "Alright, if you would, Barnett, we have things to discuss, and not much time to discuss it. If you would follow me." He turned, walking off towards a large building standing three stories up, troops bustling around. He led the two into his office, it being the only secluded area out of all the spots, most places covered in maps, guns, ammunition, status reports, recordings and in one corner a Gibson 1961  EB3 Bass Guitar resting up on it's stand, surrounded by bullet proof glass. With a small huff he took his seat, drawing his S&W M500, placing it onto the table in front of him, it being a common sign of both peace and the fact that business should be discussed with the utmost seriousness, "Now... Are you ready to begin?"

James sat in the office, listening to Dom speak. His mind wandered to the conflict in the Middle East. 

He was out on patrol in a small village in Kuwait. His unit had received word that French troops were moving in the area, and after previous encounters knew they were hostile. The world had gone to shit. The British were fighting 2 wars, 1 against the French and another against the infected. That wasnt counting the locals, who formed militia to drive the foreigners out. A bush rustled to his right, and he adjusted my NV goggles so he could see the whole bush. A black figure ran to the next bush, but he blended in with the background so James couldn't shoot. They were being watched. James looked behind him, and stuck 1 finger in the air and pointed to the right. He then put 2 fingers to his eyes and pointed in the direction of the bush. The other soldiers aimed their weapons at the bush, and each fired a volley of shots. A body fell out of the bush, and James crept forward to check it out. He was horrified to find it was a boy, no older than 10. He looked at the panic frozen to the boys face, a look that would haunt his dreams forever. He heard 2 shots behind him, and 2 soldiers slumped to the ground, smoking sidearms in each of their hands. His CO walked over to the men.

"It wasn't your fault, lets pack up and go back to base. Higgins grab Dante and Goodwin grab Smith. We will bury them when we get back."

They arrived back at base. The other soldiers gave them questioning looks, but the exhausted soldiers said nothing. They went to the back and dug 2 graves, and placed the bodies in each. They then went to another part of the base, to the cemetery for the locals, and buried the boy there, and said a prayer for him. Any soldier that didnt find faith in war, was just insane. It gave people someone to talk to, to express their hurt and beg for forgiveness for the horrors they committed. James prayed all night, and would do so for the rest of his life. That didnt stop the nightmares though. Throughout the conflict, James and his unit had killed many more innocent people, usually by orders. Most of James' unit committed suicide, including his CO. There were only 4 of them left when they were all called back to England, where they had to swear an oath never to speak of the events in the Kuwait. They knew the consequences, and were kept under constant surveillance.

They wanted their secret kept quiet.  

He watched Jame's go into a glazed look. It would be for the better since this conversation wasn't for him. It was for Barnett. Dom pulled out a box of finely made Cubans, plucking one out and setting it in front of Barnett, the thickly rolled cigar having a brandished golden ring around the center of it. Dom looked to Barnett and smirked a little, "A peace offering of sorts. You look like a man who would enjoy having a luxury after all the shit he's been through." Dom reached down and grasped something, raising the hand up to show a finely crafted knife with the word Elizabeth engraved into both sides, a quote from T.S. Elliot's 'The Hollowmen' saying, 'We are the Hollow Men, we are the stuffed men'. With a well placed cut against the tip of the cigar to expose the inner tobacco, its thick bushel almost relieved to be free of the wrapping, pushing out.


He set a lighter on the table for Barnett closing the box and setting it into a drawer, done with the pleasantries, "Alright, Mister Barnett. We have business to speak of. I am Dominic. I serve my people, not my country. You serve your country and your Queen, but lack the luxury of serving yourself and knowing that you no longer have a home to go to. My home is my people. Your home is one with a Mother who has other people tell you what to do and throw your life away for nothing that could possibly benefit you, only her and the ones closest to her, you not being one of them.  Barnett, I come to you with an offer. Not to say its... a drastic one, but one that certainly would end up being frowned upon by your superiors while assisting not only yourself, but your soldiers and quite possibly your people. My offer is this..."


He reached down and pulled up a map, setting it to the table to show the entirety of North America, pointing towards a map next to the larger representation, it showing the region they currently occupied, "This is where we are. I would like to divert a solid majority of your troops to this entire region to attempt to hold the complete region. We are virtually clear of zombies in these few states, but the outsides of them are vastly infected and we cannot have that coming here to stall our work."


With a soft grunt he reached down to his side again and pulled up one stack after another of files, laying them out on the blank spaces of the map to keep the region visible while all other distractions blocked, "If you accept, with every squad you send I will reinforce it with my own squad and send a shipment of supplies to your base as well as the camps that will be fortifying all Stalker and British boarders so your people do not starve or die of thirst. As for you, you will stay here with me among my troops and yours as a temporary HQ. Its not a palace, but I can get you a personal office and room for your thoughts and relaxation. I'm not a man of flattery, just a man looking to get what he wants and needs to help those around him, and Barnett, you are one of those people around me... Now, will you help me and my people?" He stood beside the seated Barnett, offering a hand out to seal the deal.


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am

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