Wicked Zombies


Ok so some kids dress up as preists and go into the church and steal the donations!?! WTF is wrong with them! stealing from god! they hit 3 churches and got like $400. Id like u to share your thoughts please!

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They are going to burn in hell! Dirty low life bastards need to be FUCKED UP!

Why get a job when there are innocent people you can steal from? Kids are fucked up!

burn in hell they will!

I think robbing a person on the street is way worse than robbing a church. Just because some people believe in superstitions does not mean they get extra sympathy. I also hate how killing a cop is worse than killing me. That is stupid. I also hate how you have to be 21 to go to a strip club but only 18 to get naked in one.
We all know its 21 because of the liquor sales! The naked ones are juice bars so at 18 YOU CAN GET YOUR GROOVE ON!
also when it comes to the killing a cop point Scat. the reason they are harder on cop killers is because if a man will kill a cop, then there are no limits to what he will do. they are by far the worst of the worst. those men usually end up in a super max prison.
thats exactly right rhino
That is just Wrong on so many levels!
when it comes to stealing from a church goes. theft is theft no matter how you cut it. on a more personal note. i remember a saying my great grandfather had. GOD SEES ALL WRONGS. HE JUST WAITS FOR THE RIGHT TIME TO PUNISH. they will get theirs in the end. just wait. they will. be it in the next life or this one. they will get theirs in the end.
Kids just don't understand Halloween is on night a year.


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