Wicked Zombies


August 2009 Blog Posts (25)

Jubilee Beach- The Briefing. Phase 4.

After 27 organised battles with the undead I thought (or at least I hoped) that I knew enough about them for the final phase to work.

It relies on perfect timing from the boys and the rank stupidity of the zeds. Tricky...

"Phase 4" I told them, "is when it all happens."

"When I'm happy that Gobby has got every zed in the area all rounded up into a well behaved herd, I'll give the word, Rampage will bring his lot out of the aquarium and make their way towards… Continue

Added by Bolo on August 31, 2009 at 1:00pm — 1 Comment

Jubilee Beach- The Briefing. Phase 3.

I can't believe it myself but I actually felt a bit guilty about what I had to tell Gobby next.

"Once you've finished clearance at the aquarium, that's your lot for fighting".

Well, his face fucking dropped and he looked like he was about to kick off... or cry.

"It's not over for you though, mate. We're gonna need you more than ever for the next bit."

He was still sulky but it could've been worse.

"So, Gobby, once you're out of the aquarium you'll be hairing it… Continue

Added by Bolo on August 27, 2009 at 5:21pm — No Comments



Added by ledger on August 27, 2009 at 2:30am — No Comments

The end of the world

I cant believe it.Its going to be from zombies!!!!!NO!!!!!In the year 2012 solar flares will go strait to our planet causing catastrophic damage to our planet.This has been proven by scientists.2012,thats 3 years from now,makes me sad because no I know that I will die before I reach the age of 18,at my age of 16.

Added by Кomrad Diclonius #9 on August 26, 2009 at 8:25pm — 2 Comments

Jubilee Beach- The Briefing. Phase 1 and 2.

And so it was that I was sat at the table in the ready room and, with the exception of Nana, Joy and Lloyd, with all the people I've mentioned previously to discuss what we were going to do about the pre-"rehabitation" clearance of Jubilee Beach.

As I've mentioned before there are 37 of us plus myself. Nana, Joy and the Rat Fuck don't fight so that makes 34 to divvy up for battle.

After the call came through me and Wanker dug out what maps we could find of the area, including… Continue

Added by Bolo on August 26, 2009 at 5:10pm — 2 Comments


Help me out and go to www.shockhound.com and sign up for a FREE membership. It's a music related community where you can buy band merchandise as well as buy songs or whole albums. As I said, it's entirely FREE. You can even find me on there. My screen name is mandi_kat.

When signing up, all you have to do is use the reference code 0402-84098 and you will be helping me to win a contest at work. Be sure, when you sign up, to find me and send me a friend request.

PLEASE DO… Continue

Added by The Mandi Monster on August 23, 2009 at 12:55am — 1 Comment

A.S.D. Final Intro- Lloyd.

You can tell a lot from a handshake.

You can tell whether someone is a grafter or a slacker. You can tell whether they are humble, strong-willed, arrogant, timid, even eager to please or dis-trustful.

And always look into their eyes. Always.

This is why I insist on this otherwise redundant tradition everytime a new member joins our fold.

I need to know who I'm letting in, and 8 days ago I let in Lloyd.

Lloyd's handshake was... ugly.

It was cold… Continue

Added by Bolo on August 22, 2009 at 7:00am — No Comments

A.S.D. Pt 4- Nana and Joy.

Ada "Nana" Keeler and her granddaughter Joy.

There's no "how we met" tale here. Instead I'll be giving you an insight into the nature of this incredible woman and it will become obvious how much we need her as part of our family.

At the age of 79 years she has lived through the Second World War and she has the fighting spirit and presence of mind of many of her generation.

When we got to her she and her granddaughter had survived for 3 weeks and 6 days after the First… Continue

Added by Bolo on August 20, 2009 at 4:11pm — 2 Comments

God help me.Part 4

I gave the order to attack.In no time bullets were flying everywhere.I ran to cover and blind fired.I reloaded and stood up.Bullets were shooting past me so I went back to cover and blind fired again.My gun jammed,I pulled out my machete and charged,slicing open any one who was in my way.Then I saw the leader,I ran to him.He pulled out a katana,we were ready to fight,winner takes all.He was blocking all my attacks and I did the same.Our swords were locked,his on top.I was pushing him as hard as… Continue

Added by Кomrad Diclonius #9 on August 19, 2009 at 8:55am — 2 Comments


If you have a myspace profile, please click the link or paste the URL and PLEASE join my army. I'm trying very hard to gro my army.


Added by The Mandi Monster on August 18, 2009 at 4:17am — 1 Comment

Ana's songs AKA "The Baroness"

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

Added by Anastasia DeCobray on August 17, 2009 at 8:21pm — 1 Comment

Walking Dead coming to AMC

I hope they do it justice but I am amped that they are making it an ongoing series so they don't try to rush a mamoth story in a two to three hour movie.

Let's the eye that falls from the socket stay focused on this one.

Brian (Grendel) D.

Added by Brian D. Davis on August 13, 2009 at 10:11pm — No Comments

The tail of the zombie girl Part 4

She come to her sinces as she sees people in radation suite pasing by her she was restarande to a table. Noticeing she was being watch in all cornors of the room. The person she was talking to back at her house was standing right in front of her. Hello may how do you feel, how the hell do you think i feel i feel like crap you people are fucking insain where am I. Your in quarantine in D.C. why am i hear where only trying to help you my dear Im not your fuckin dear Let ME Go ! I dont think thats… Continue

Added by ledger on August 13, 2009 at 9:30pm — No Comments

A.S.D Pt3- Gobby.

Gobby a.k.a The Suicidal Fucks.

How we came to cross paths is interesting but, at this point, of no tactical relevance so I'll forego that particular tale.

Perhaps another day.

Gobby is in fact two people- The fast-talking, expletive spitting lad we call Gobby and his, well... let's just say "partner" for now.

In harsh contrast to Gobby his partner says nothing... ever. I've seen him whisper in Gobby's ear before but only when he thinks no-one is… Continue

Added by Bolo on August 12, 2009 at 4:47pm — 1 Comment

A Slight Digression... Pt 2.

After Spook came Tongs.

Daniel "Tongs" Shoesmith.

What I do know about him is that he was a CNC operator in his original life, and apparently quite a good one.

"I've made parts for particle accelerators!" he said to me, the day we picked him up.

"Not much use to us, I'm afraid fella" I replied. "What else can you do?"

"Er... I like metal!?" he offered, a little confused.

"You like metal...okay... What do you know about heat treating and tempering?" I… Continue

Added by Bolo on August 10, 2009 at 5:03pm — 1 Comment

The tail of the zombie girl part 3

Who are you, You you know me may No I dont yes you do do you remember Going to the woods yesterday yes, why did you see any one dumping anything yeah it had purple gas leakin out of the steel barrel. Why whats wrong with me why do i have these simptons. Well may heres the thing when you went to the barrel and some o the gas got in to your lungs and your comtamanated with the posion. See we tryed to use the gas to kill terriest but it back fired on us so we thought we try to bury it in the… Continue

Added by ledger on August 8, 2009 at 9:00pm — 1 Comment

The call.

Thursday afternoon, a four day weekend I get fri-mon off., being in the military thats a big thing, final formation was at 1600hrs, I'm already to head out for a weekend of camping, I have all the stuff packed in my jeep.

We get our saftey brief from our commander, 1SG falls us out, and I'm on the road to Land Between the Lakes an awsome place to camp and fish.

it took acouple of hours but I finnaly made it to the camp site, good thing I took my jeep, I would not have made it with out… Continue

Added by 101st Sektor on August 8, 2009 at 8:29pm — 3 Comments

God help me. Part 3

"Gather everyone outside."I commanded.A few mins past and everyone was in order."Alright men this is the time we get our revenge,this is the time we take back our city and kill the one who tried to make us our slaves.We will show no mercy,we will kill every last one of them.Now get your weapons from the bunker and meet at the city's front gate."I grabbed an AK47 and a machete."No Tyler you cant go."Natasha said."Dont worry I'll come back alive,you just wait here and wait for me."I said.?I ran… Continue

Added by Кomrad Diclonius #9 on August 8, 2009 at 2:04pm — 1 Comment

A slight digression...Pt 1

Wanker made me do it...

"What's the fucking point?" I asked

"You know what the fucking point is, Bolo. The fucking point is that we've now fought and won 27 battles with these flesh-eating tossers and every time we've had a different tactical plan and we've never lost a fighter yet! That's the fucking point! Ever since that Uber-geek managed to wipe off 95 percent of the shite you find on the 'net pretty much the only site they're gonna be looking at… Continue

Added by Bolo on August 7, 2009 at 2:30pm — 3 Comments

The tail of the zombie girl part 2

The police arrived while they question her father while she sits out side on the front steps of her home. The neighbors standing around lookin confused to see what was going on she heres her father yelling at the police officers. she watches her mothers body being put in the back of the ambulence. They took her father downtown for more questions. One o the officers took her in and asked her whats your name? its.. as her voice trimbles, May my name is may ok may can you remeber anything at all.… Continue

Added by ledger on August 6, 2009 at 2:30pm — 2 Comments

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Blog Posts

Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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