Wicked Zombies



Xbox gamers.

A group for people that play Xbox.What games you play that kinda thing....

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Discussion Forum

Favourite weapons for the games you play... 32 Replies

In Halo my favourite is the needler...In Dead Rising,it's a strange choice,but I quite like using the broom !I haven't been playing…Continue

Started by Kitty Chainsaw. Last reply by Komrad Stefan Neely Oct 25, 2012.

If you could import someone as a sidekick in your favourite game who would it be? 21 Replies

My choice for Dead Rising/Left 4 Dead would be Mila Jovavich/Alice,she knows how to kick zombie ass.Ok Scatoma I know it's obvious,but Christian Bale just 'cause I could,probably for Halo...lol.Vin…Continue

Started by Kitty Chainsaw. Last reply by Komrad Stefan Neely Oct 25, 2012.

What would your weapon choice be if you could import it into your favorite game? 23 Replies

Obviously my choices have already been brought up in other dicussions so you know mine... Continue

Started by Kitty Chainsaw. Last reply by Komrad Stefan Neely Oct 25, 2012.

Reach armor modification 3 Replies

what are you spending your credits on?Continue

Started by Kitty Chainsaw. Last reply by Kitty Chainsaw Mar 12, 2011.

Want to share your gamertag? 18 Replies

Share your XBOX gamertag here for maximum online gaming social fun. Bang, bang! …Continue

Started by kasumalley. Last reply by Misfit Feb 22, 2011.

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Comment by kasumalley on January 11, 2010 at 1:55pm
Yeah, I haven't downloaded one Indie game trial I've enjoyed so far. I'll look for that one though. I was pretty ticked off about the headache yesterday. It took an hour to get it to go away. I'm still smacking myself for that one.
Comment by Shiva Sixx on January 11, 2010 at 1:46pm
Aaaah, Alien Hominid. The cutest game ever that will completely curbstop you. xD I love that one, but I can't play much of it for long. It makes me want to throw my controller. ;) I haven't felt that way since I was at the ending of GTA4.

LBP *is* fun! I still have a level that I need to finish, actually. It runs mostly on user-created content, as the game itself is fairly short. I wish there was something similar on 360 - we deserve it!

Please do try FF if you can rent it. Actually, you should check out Gamefly! And I agree with you on Project Natal. Keeping my fingers crossed. And! Be careful in the Indie Games section! That place is *such* a cesspool. You should check out "The Dishwasher" - I think there's a demo up.
Comment by kasumalley on January 11, 2010 at 1:28pm
I downloaded the trial for Alien Hominid night before last and I would purchase it. It was super fun and exactly the kind of side scrolling game that I like. If only I could play Little Big Planet on XBOX, that looks fun!
Comment by kasumalley on January 11, 2010 at 1:25pm
Nerds unite! We love it. ;)

I agree about Wet, just by playing the demo it wasn't something that I saw myself getting halfway through without getting bored.

Haven't tried Mirror's Edge.

I did constantly die on the little trial for Fairytale Fights, but I'd play more of it if I had it in my hands for the cuteness/gory factor.

Project Natal does look amazing. I just hope they can rise above the cheese factor that Wii seems to be sort of stuck on. If we know Microsoft, they might. Although, I'm sort of unimpressed with their choice of minigames and such. Hopefully this piece of equipment will force them to step it up.
Comment by Shiva Sixx on January 11, 2010 at 1:18pm
I've played both Wet and Mirror's Edge. Both are worth renting, not purchasing. :/

Wet starts out pretty strong, but falls flat about halfway through. The controls are pretty wonky; music is great though. :D

MIrror's Edge hooked me from the start. About 60% through, the difficulty curve went straight uphill, and the moves that you were given thus far were of little to no use.

Fairytale Fights is fun and gory for at least a few hours, and also worth at least a rental. There are some awkward platforming elements that result in constant deaths, though.

Oh - my gamertag on Xbox is: Scorpion Scar if you'd like to add me. :)

PS - I can't WAIT for Project Natal. I'm so curious to try it out! Huge nerd over here.
Comment by kasumalley on January 10, 2010 at 3:33pm
hahahahaha You're so right.
Comment by Kitty Chainsaw on January 10, 2010 at 3:30pm
Warnings & don'ts are often ignored though...
Comment by kasumalley on January 10, 2010 at 3:26pm
Yeah, I shouldn't have messed with it. I knew better and did anyway. I'm sitting here squinting to see the screen while I take care of my last few e-mails before going to shut my eyes. *smacks forehead* I'm a goober. ;)
Comment by Kitty Chainsaw on January 10, 2010 at 3:24pm
That kinda stuff hurts your head fersure,I don't like it.pffft
Comment by kasumalley on January 10, 2010 at 3:21pm
So I downloaded some dumb Indie game trial on XBOX called Mind Warp. Warning! Do not get this dumb crap, especially if you're prone to migraines or seizures. (It does have a warning that I ignored.) It's an optical illusion game that scrambles your vision. Not what I thought it was. It took two seconds before I developed a migraine. Going to go lay down now. Ticked at myself for looking at it for a second longer than I had to.

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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am

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