Wicked Zombies


Chances are they will be bad men.

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to me. a hero is a person who steps up to the plate when nobody else has the sand. i cant help but feel we will see one hell of a diversity in the hero class when z-poc happens. good example would be that 90 pound nerd you see at the office cubical in H&R Block. there is a saying my dad told me that goes something like this.

When the RABBIT turns and fights, your in big trouble.

in z-poc, we are going to see a lot of rabbits fighting with all their might and that is the hard core truth.

watched a movie called Norma Rae, about this textile factory worker in '79 that fought for the union. she lost her job, got arrested, everything, but she stuck to it, and made it happen...she became a hero from nothing, so you never know where a hero will come from, or who it will be...

I can tell you this.  Norma Rae wouldn't last five minutes in the zombie apocalypse. Maybe Norma Razor...

here's my input: not everyone can be heroes. It's a given fact. However, we may not be the heroes, but once we have the will to fight, we can be legends.

Non-believers are the first to die.

another cold fact is this. you will see the best in people and the worst of people. and the worst can come out of the least likely places. the person next door that wouldnt say the word SHIT even if you filled their faces full of it could end up being the biggest cult leader you ever saw in your life or the next best thing to Superman. many questions and not enough answers. Z-POC. gotta love the idea. lol.

lol i agree with this one. but then there are gonna be the scenario where the people that once hated you the most will come to you for help. the humane thing to do would be to take them in, but hey, its survival of the fittest.

this is one of the few times i 100% agree on something. during a z-poc. it will be a survival to the fittest thing. and in a case like that. you have to a degree be able swallow some of the grudges of the past with people because they will need you as much as you need them. unlike a zombie, all people need to sleep sometime. and you cant be a light sleeper every night. eventually the need for good sound sleep takes over. and if given a choice. i would rather trust the neighbor i flew the middle finger at for blocking my driveway then hope i can sleep light every night just to hear if my digs are being overrun.

yeah, and besides, when you're running from the zombfags, u wont think about whether u hate the person standing next to u or not. all u wanna do is stay alive. but there is gonna be the occasional backstabber, one who is gonna try to kill u to have ur resources for themselves, or for whatever other vile reason they may have. that might be a rare case, but if someone tries to pull a stunt like that on me, ill feed em to the zombfags :D haha

i hear ya. piece by piece. lol. an arm here. a leg there. lol. or just tie a rope under their arms and let the walkers eat the meat from their legs and spend the rest of their undead days hanging from a tree as walker bait. lol. aint i a stinker? lol.

lolz aw thats cruel :P but cheaters never prosper. and i think that if z-poc happens today, i know that i can find all the resources i need, but i also know there would be people who would try to take it away from me. and its not like i can get everything i really need, since im barely 18. meh, im ready to fight and kill.

as far as getting everything you really need. even the best of preppers will never really have that. if you put all into consideration. a person would be so bogged down with gear that even a shambling zombie can catch ya. lol. that is why i keep my bug out bag to a minimum weight of 50 pounds of gear and scavenge for the rest. and from one believer to another. if you should ever need to raid for meds. go to the nursing homes first. medicine wise they are a self contained. hospitals will be to dangerous being they will be a good ground zero and pharmacies will be raided regularly. nursing homes will usually be the last place the raiders would look making them a treasure trove for others like us. lol.

Thanks for the hint. I never really thought about nursing homes for meds...Think its time to reevaluate my scrounging scavenging plans...


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