Wicked Zombies


I just got the movie Dead Snow and it was pretty good. The Nazi zombie make-ups look great, especially against a snowy backdrop. The movie features some insane gore sequences, too.

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i got a copy on hold with Columbia House DVD Club. a 2 disk set. they are sold out right now but mine will be in when they get some more in. cant wait!! lol.
I loved this movie. Good balance of horror and humor.

Its also one of a number of Nazi zombie movies coming out. One of them has a cameo by a guy named Savini... I can't wait for it to be released :)
Tom Savini. yes. he is as much active in zombie movies as George Romero. he even has his own school where you can learn the special FX they use in a zombie film. he does a lot of work for George Romero now that i think about it. i think he started work for Mr. Romero when he did Day of the Dead. but he also does his own movies to. another great man i want to meet.
its called The 4th Reich
You're too nice to meet Tom Savini. I've met him a few times and each time he's more stuck-up and full of his own shit than the last. That being said, he's a genius at what he does just not a really likeable human being.
lmao Tell us what you reallllllly think your lady hotness. haha! Sort of disappointing to hear. ;)

sorry to be blunt (haha i said blunt). i'm sleepy and jealous of the snoring coming from my bedroom. i try to maintain the same schedule as him but my brain thinks i'm nocturnal and anyway tom savini was mean to me. we paid for special tickets to a convention and his autograph was included in the price. i brought a dvd for him to sign and he didn't want to do it for some dumbass reason and he made me pay full price for a photo as though i had to pay for his autograph for the 2nd time...which i wouldn't have minded as much if he hadn't given me a death glare while informing me so. and i actually had some strange kind of crush on him at that point (from dusk til dawn was hot). in short, it broke my heart too : (

That does suck. That's why I'm not so keen on the idea of meeting my favorite actors/actresses/musicians/etc. I'm afraid they'd be totally disappointing.
if Tom Savini was that big of a dick head to you then it wouldnt pay for me to see him. reason being i would tell him off on how he treated you. i dont like it when someone is nasty to a friend of mine like that for no reason and if he didnt like signing autographs then he is in the wrong business. fans are what make or break an actor and by the time i got done with him. he may have a few less people to take his autographed picture.
Yeah, Dead Snow was fuckin' awesome. Wish I got to see it at the theatre first. Ah well. I'm also waiting for other foregin zombie flicks like Horde.


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