Wicked Zombies


Apocalypse Man:
Government authorities say it's "not if... but when"...a moment in the future when, just as it has in the past, some catastrophe sparks mass destruction, leaving humans challenged to find shelter, heat, food, water and defense. If that happens, would you know what to do? Survival expert Rudy Reyes journeys through abandoned buildings showing us some surprising survival techniques, including making fire from steel wool, finding safe houses and creating shortwave radio transmissions.
Saturday, January 09 12 pm Apocalypse Man: TVPG | cc
Sunday, January 10 2 am Apocalypse Island: TVPG | cc
Saturday, January 09 10 pm Apocalypse Island:

After Armageddon:
What have past acts of destruction taught us about what will happen to mankind after the apocalypse? Is it inevitable that disaster will someday strike America on an unprecedented level? How has history prepared us? History's most dramatic events--Hiroshima, 9/11, Hurricane Katrina and others--are examined and analyzed with hard data gathered from their massive aftereffects. The disappearance of water and food supplies, the effects of deteriorated sanitation and health care on the remaining population, and the increased use of violence as a means of survival--all illustrate how societies have responded and survived.
Saturday, January 09 8 pm After Armageddon: TVPG | cc
Sunday, January 10 12 am After Armageddon: TVPG |cc

Views: 48

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Did you see it? I did and is was very informative.
this guy is goofy but i like him. he made me laugh. lol.
this guy would not make it two days...no inbetween meal snacks.
"i would'nt be able to grow stuff by myself."
"even if i lost 200 lbs"
oh gawd lol!!!!!!
city folks will be dead???
this guy would die with out his twinkies!!!
you have a good point here. guys like him have a habit of eating anytime the feel a draft on their butt. i used to be the same way. he can sit there and boast all day long but when the shit hits the fan, he will be the first of many to need a turd check done and he will pass with flying colors. but i still get a laugh out of ol' bubba here. very refreshing to find the human ego still alive in people. lol.
i seen this show. its the one show that History Channel has that comes more close to how things will be in the end of a viral outbreak. i would like to know their take on a zombie outbreak though. they will have my full attention then.
you were not the only one who wanted to slap the silly out of some of them. i wanted to slap the dad a few times for not leaving the city while the leaving was good. then when his wife shot the guy that was going to kill him. i wanted to slap the dad in the head even more because he didnt grab the thug's rifle and ammo before going.
true. it will be all our worst nightmares combined when the dead rise. but joy, i do need to make a point of order here. lol. before me and my grandfather parted ways. i was about 14 when this happened. my grandfather knew a man who needed to have a stump blown out of his new field he purchased before he could plant corn. when i heard of this, i told my grandfather to take me to the man, i could help. he laughed at me and said he didnt know how i could help but he would take me anyway. he was the kind of man that let his curiosity get the better of him. so he took me. i told the farmer i need to have the following things.

1) potasium nitrate
2) phosphorus
3) sulpher
4) coal or charcoal
5) 2 pvc pipes about 2 inches around and four end caps
6) fuses

my grandfather asked what kind of witches brew it was. i told him to watch and see.
i got everything mixed. the pipes capped at one end and filled. then tapped the other ends for the fuse. to his total shock. at 14, i made 2 pipe bombs. well we and the farmer set the charges. and blasted the stump into 6 managable chunks. on the way home, grandpa asked "where in the hell did you learn to make a pipe bomb?. i told him as plain as day. i learned it on tv. so as far as the kid knowing how to hotwire a car goes. i even seen this on tv myself. so for me it was believable. never underestimate the power of television love. kids do learn. so ends my point of order. lol.
cool. can i play to?? lol. i do so wanna smack the dopes! lol.
hell love. i been saying that the dead will rise since i was a kid and even my own mother thinks my marbles are egg shaped and roll funny. but having studied so much on different religious materials, i found that just about every faith says something about the dead being reunited with the living. granted, none of it said they would be zombies. but if a dead friend comes to my door and knocks wanting in? i for one am not serving MY liver up on a silver platter for dinner with a smile and a hearty welcome back Jake! i think i will be the doubting Mr. Ed here and prepare for the worst. pass the ammo please!?


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am

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