Wicked Zombies


What last sentimental item would you grab should an outbreak occur?

If you were to have to leave fast during an outbreak, what would you grab of sentimental value before you ran out the door?

I would want at the very least, our last family Christmas picture, which has all of us in it.

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Now we're rescuing porn stars? Come on now! Where will the rest of us ladies sit? What with all the feminine items you have stored up for us. We're full and out of room!! That's it, Scat has to make some decisions because Lord knows I don't want you boys to miss out on "rescuing" your stars.
lmao I never once said how long her resuce would last plus we all know she wouldn't last long with the bad jokes, constant movie refferances and of course all the books we would make her read...... hell i dont even know if she kan read
Zombie Rescue Service: Reading, not a requirement.
LMMFAO I'm sure we kan make some room for a few days that or we'll just have to get another RV
How on earth did this thread go from grabbing a small sentimental item as you rush out of your house to kidnapping,oh er sorry rescuing,pornstars?
I will bring some Dr. Suess books. So that it's not too irritating to the ones of us who can read.

I was wondering if people had forgotten that I said "sentimental item" not grab whatever you can and run. We quickly filled up an entire armored RV and some hover crafts!?
i dont know about porn stars but my zombie war dream was to "rescue" Kate Beckensale.
still is. a guy can dream cant he? lol.
I'm not sure Kitty and for that I apologize

but in all honesty I would have to take my grandfathers (mom's dad) pocket watch it has been in the family for over 5 generations and would hate to think that it is gone forever

That's more like it KB,that's exactly what kasumalley was meaning...lol.
Heirlooms ar prescious things.
I think it's easy to get carried away, plus, some people have different ideas of what's an item and what's sentimental.

That's a nice one Komrad Balthazzar.

I would want my wedding ring for sure.
I've decided to snag my neighbors beanie baby collection she has some that are worth a lot of money and for some reason i can see myself coming across some beanie baby junkie who has all the gas and water i need for a day
trade for gas and water. not a bad thought.


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Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


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