Wicked Zombies


if we replake the donkey with a zombie kould this lead to a untapped resourke to boost the low spirits for the days after Z-day?

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Yes! Great idea! I forgot all about that game.

Or what about Gooey Louie? lol Pick the zombies nose and hope you get that special one, so his brain pops out!

heck we could even play pick up sticks with the zombies

of course the sticks would be TNT and they would have to do the "pickin"
then there is my all time fave as a kid we used to play. TIC TOC BOOM! for zombies it would work like this.

1) each team gets a zombie
2) each team decides on a time to set their explosives for

objective: the team who's bomb is the last to go off is the winner. naturally the teams who's bombs go off first is the one eliminated from the game.

we used to do this with frogs and firecrackers all the time as kids. major fun!! lol.
zombie toy funny
another good classic game to play that never gets old and you can use the zombie over and over again is HANGMAN! one can use a single zombie for a long time before having to get another and the word fun is endless! LOL! i told ya this can be addicting.
if i could capture several stiffs I would have them act out my favorite Three Stooges shorts.
if you want to get some real fun in then we can play a version of HUNGRY, HUNGRY, HIPPOS! here is my idea for this.

1) get 4 zombies
2) pin them up in like a cage type setup
3) put in a traitor or a criminal to be executed

objective: the zombie that eats the most of the traitor or criminal thrown in, lives for the next round.

LOL. i could do this one all day.
lol You are just full of good ideas. ;)
HAHAHA...I think we should try and avoid the infected bodies as much as possible though.
true but one MUST keep ones self amused, right? lol.


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Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on June 26, 2023 at 1:00am

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