Wicked Zombies


What would use use?

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i am happy to have been of service to you. anytime you have a question. ask it on my home page or drop by THE PEOPLE'S ARMORY. i will do my best to answer to my best of abilities.
well, i love the kukri as well, but the Japanese have some amazing weapons too. the katana, wakazachi and tanto are great weapons, but there are too many low quality ones floating around these days. the wakazachi and tanto are as good as a katana, but one handed and smaller. in order of size, biggest to smallest, katana, wakazachi, tanto. there are also a host of other weapons i would suggest, but for fortress defense and not on the go. message me with any questions. also, they are most effective if you train with them, so do. otherwise, you're gonna end up with a broken wrist or a blade stuck in the bones because you struck at the wrong angle. also, be sure to know how the kukri is designed to work. it is meant for a single blow at a single angle, but it will go through the skull, and maybe between the shoulders if you do it right
the katana is a remarkable weapon. however it is a big weapon as well. a lot of times when you need the melee weapon, space is a tad lacking. in a tight space the katana is no good. the kukri on the other hand gives the same cutting and chopping power and can be used in a small or confined space. plus if one must go a rifle or shotgun. there is always the AK47 with a bayonett or the mossberg with a bayonett. there you have your melee weapon and rifle and or shotgun. on either one of these, you cant go wrong.
AR may be your thing but people sometimes go with what they can afford. if they can get a good AK47 for half the price of the AR16/M16 then the choice for them is simple. and yes, the Remington is a great shotgun. i never knock those because of their history and effectivness. however the only down fall a Remington has that i ever seen is no bayonet lug like the AR15/M16, the Mossberg 590, or the AK47. even you have to admit the uses of a good bayonet. when it comes down to conserving ammo, the bayonet is an outright must because it gives you a melee weapon and a primary weapon all in one.
Your brain! slap your thinking cap on and get a killing!!!!
I prefer a cricket bat,(I mostly believe in slow moving zombies) the problem you run into with firing weapons is first ammo,second becoming jammed, and third can be dangerous in close combat. With a bat while you run a risk of being in close courters with the enemy, you never run out of ammo,and the thing can never be jammed. I think its worth the risk.
Ive read many of the post on here. Here is my opinion.
1. A melee weapon is a must cause im sorry to say there are just not enough bullets/rounds/shells out there to kill every zombie and after a while depending on the type of ammo your weapon uses. It will become more scarest by the year. However I do not agree with the bayonet attachment seeing that they where primarly made for human to human fighting .Stabbing the mid section of an enemy soldier is the tactical use for the bayonet. It is very difficult to drive the beyonet thru the skull let alone hit the skull with the limited amount of time you have before more zombies are alerted to your presence. A bludgening weapon is by far the best choice with a heavy ended blade the second. Cause lets be real. Without enough force behind that swing with the bladed weapon your not lobbing any heads off. More likely your just going to lodge the blade in the neck/coller/skull. Unless you fucking Musashi Myamoto. And as much as it would be good to see. I dont believe many of us are carring are katana's with us everywhere we go waiting for a duel to happen.
2.The automatic shot gun is a powerfull weapon indeed. There is no disputing that fact. The problem with this weapon is that it is just to loud. And unless your in a full confrontation with the undead. then anything you can find that can be silenced or is a slient range weapon is my opinion more likely to keep you alive cause we are not at war in the general sence. So most battles if you will. Will be fought like hit and run tatckics or just plain run tactics.
3.The larger caliber the better. But not alwasy the larger weapon the better.
4.Silence,Fitness and thinking are the best weapons at your disposle.
i strongly support the use of the katana, mostly because i train with them practically every day. but then again, i do practice with them almost every day. so, true. and i know i dont carry it with me. and i am NO Miyamoto Musashi. even if i were, it is interesting to note that the samurai carried 4 swords, plus the naginata and kyudo bow. after so many human bodies, there would be simply too much residue to continue cutting quickly and efficiently. if you dont have time to clean it, drop it and pull the next. but that doesnt work if you cant afford to carry too much weight. so carry one only if you really know what youre doing. thank you for your input, it is really worthwhile, Komrad Blackreign2020
this is why i love the KUKRI so much. all the power is in the blade design so there is no need to specially train with it. you dont have to maintain it a lot. just make sure it is sharp and close at hand. just like mine. also they dont need a lot of space to work with them to.
I'm going to agree with the Gurkha Kukri.

well of couse theres no really perfect zombie killing weapon.diffrent sitations call for diffrent things,so i wouldnt go kill zombies without a few weapons,katana,kukri,SW 500,and a crowbar.the kukri and crowbar could be used for other things then "slicing and dicing" zombies and the smith and weston 500 for taking down those big fuckers that are too tall to reach with my other weapons
if i had the time a minefield plus it would also add some form of entertainment


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