Wicked Zombies


In Halo my favourite is the needler...

needler Pictures, Images and Photos

In Dead Rising,it's a strange choice,but I quite like using the broom !
I haven't been playing for long so haven't found the bad boy stuff yet...lol.

Dead Rising donation sig Pictures, Images and Photos

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Sweet.You sound like you're a lot better than me...lol.
I mainly play when my friend in Cali is around,when the time difference allows.8 hours means gaming at around 3am for me.Occasionally he's up real early then we get to hang out so it's the other way round.
Well it's the only game I really play. Like I said, I love the Tomb Raider games but I can't get through them without getting bored. You're stuck with the handguns a lot in that game. There are a bunch of games I want to try but just haven't had the time. Especially lately. The Call of Duty games all look amazing. There are a number of the XBOX live games I'd like to try. I've never played GOW. World of Warcraft looks like something that would suck me in forever so I avoid it. I have a feeling after Christmas it will be a game fest here. It typically is. The kids have a Wii so we play that too. They get lots of games for presents and we usually all battle it out until we're sick of them. I was always a huge Nintendo fan so not playing that stuff is kind of weird. Lately I've been stealing my step-daughter's DS and playing games on it. Makes me want my own. Although, I'd rather have a new phone or a new flat screen or a new computer or a number of other fun things...

We will have to play if I can ever get my router going! That would be fun. I probably would be way worse at online play. I get easily distracted.
You will get off on GoW. Leave the gore on. Nothing is as satisfying as sawing a guy in half with your chainsaw gun. Which is the gun I would want to have. Another really good game is Bioshock. Visually stunning. You are right about the Call of Duty games are amazing. Especially the new Modern Warfare 2. The attention to detail is awesome.
My nephew has been playing Modern Warfare on my LIVE account,I haven't had a go yet though,he's hogging it,I don't mind.
We did actually play Bioshock and it was really cool. It creeped me out. I like watching Scatoma play a lot of the games. I watched him play F.E.A.R. and all the other ones and they were wild. I enjoyed watching him play The Darkness.

One of my favorite games on XBOX is so bad is great. It's called "The Guy Game". It's a horribly sexist and offensive quiz style game, but it has the mini game called (don't laugh Kitty!) Ball Shotz. lol Okay, not even I can't laugh. Anyway, it's like Skeeball and we would play eachother over and over. I'm the Ball Shotz queen. *giggling again* I see the game for $10 all the time. I'm gonna buy it one day. We had it rented for a month at one point. I really like mini-games that don't suck.
I laughed,I couldn't help it!
I'm sure you'll like peggle,I think you can only buy it on LIVE with microsoft points though.
That'd be fun forsure kasumalley... : )
I'll work on getting it going. My gamer profile name is crazyhazylady. I think I may be wearing a school girl outfit on my avatar right now. LOL Wine & XBOX are an interesting combination. I'll see if I can't get it going tonight. That'd be so cool.
what's this Halo stuff you bes talking aboot -ducks-
Halo my friend is a completely awesome multi level shoot 'em up.
You can play it on Xbox LIVE multi player or private game & chat while you play.
It's excellent.
Halo 3 Pictures, Images and Photos
Fffwwwhaaaatttt?!? Yous not serious is yous?
Oh yeah,I forgot you get to shoot zombies too.


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am

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