Wicked Zombies


while posting on WZ, i know most of you are multitasked individules, so tell us what you are doing, watching or eating while on WZ.

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Just got done with my quick jog, since I'm off tonight I do a few laps around my neighborhood
And now I have criminal minds on and am thinking about going to make
Some new piks for WZ
watching The Onion on YT & chatting with my bestie.
Watching Pom Poko with my daughter. I'm not sure what's going on but it involves raccoons, human over-population, the raccoons transforming into humans and bouncing on their inflatable balls...Thought it might be a better choice for a little one. WRONG! hahahaha But I am fascinated with the inflatable raccoon balls. Interesting. I'd be scared to death if all you men types could inflate your balls and bounce around on them. All hell would break loose. Let me propose this, what if zombie males could inflate their balls and bounce on them? We'd really be in weird trouble.

Man, I took this conversation into a weird direction unpurposefully.
You have just strukk me with a new fear and kured my steak fajita heartburn at the same time.........
You are welcome.
Giant,green undead balls EEeeeewwww.
Seriously, it would be fucking awful. I envision zombies bouncing on those big exercise balls only, aheeeemmm, real balls and gross. Much, much grosser. The movie made me think all kinds of weird shit. Apparently they changed the wording from "testicles" to "pouches" for the American version. That made me laugh as well. They should have just used "balls".

I've talked about balls too much today. I can't watch that movie again. Now for another glass of wine.
Alright, maybe I'm harping on it too much, but you have to admit you'd be at a disadvantage if zombies came at you like this...

That is freakin' hilarious.I can quite honestly say I've never seen anything like it.Now I gotta see if I can find a clip on YT.
You're 100% right we'd be at a disadvantage for sure,I'd be too busy rolling around laughing to run!
They're just too prescious with their enormous "pouches" and moobs.....hahahahahahaha!
I'm cryin' here.
I found lots of clips this was the best one for quality,but the sound is hopeless.

Tell me you guys play with gas masks on!
I don't picture you gas mask wearers with them ever off. Surely you bathe in them? Surely!


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Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on June 26, 2023 at 1:00am

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