Wicked Zombies


Horror devotes and cult film fans have worshipped the zombie films of George Romero and his foriegn counterparts, that he has influenced, for decades. But now its not only the horror enthusiasts who love zombies. I'm sure the sweet young girl living nextdoor to you has an affection for zombies.
Some credit Resident Evil video games as the major cause in zombie resurgence. I clearly remember catching an afternoon show at the movies of the first Res. Evil movie back in 2002 and was blown away. It was just such a thrill to see zombies back on the big screen.
Now they are more popular then vampires or werewolves ever were! Its just like heaven for zombie fans. But how long do you think it will last? Critics liked Zombieland but some diehards didn't. With a new Romero film on the way, there seems to be no signs of it slowing down.
I always felt zombie's popularity had to do with subconscious fears of death that we all have, even if repressed to the furthest regions of the mind. Most religions promise a spiritual peace after death. To walk around as a flesh devouring monster after death defiles all notions of a peaceful joining with god.
Do you feel the reign of the zombie film can continue for years to come, making it perhaps one day more popular than Dracula or Frankenstein ever was?

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I think it will continue to fluctuate for quite a while. Shit really gets squeezed to death these days so zombies in media won't be going anywhere anytime soon. Plus with Brad Pitt's production company making WWZ I can imagine it will get a nice boost all over again. Zombie books are flowing out like crazy. Not long ago there really was very few, I can't keep up anymore.
in my humble opinion, i feel that the zombie craze will never die. i also feel that since the zombie has become such a hit, that it will go well past the fame and legend of the vampire or werewolf or any other monsters for that matter. reason being, the zombie touches that one raw little nerve that nothing ever could. like Patricia Tallman said in the 1990 remake of "NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD" (and this phrase will always echo in my head) "WE'RE THEM AND THEY ARE US". and its because of the zombie being our friends, our family, or the dude down the road that this phrase tends to ring true. no other monster touches the core of us all because of this fact. so the zombie i feel will live on way longer in the end. and this my friends is the gods honest truth.
People love getting the krap scared out of them, as long as someone craves a fright horror movies will be around. It's nice to see the rebirth (if you will) of zombies movies too, its been a long time over-due, after all how many vampire movies kan one person watch? And let's not get started on Were-wolf movies either it's been far too long since I have seen one that was worth sitting down to watch come to think of it the last one was Dog Soliders... what does that tell you. I'm some what a collector of DVD's I have way to many and the majority of them are horror so good, so eh ok, some that you only watkh onke or when you are bored and even some that are so awful you only keep them to laugh. It's HIGH TIME ZOMBIES GET THEIR KREDIT AND KOME UPENS!!

*Kough* frankenstein's monster was nothing more then a zombie who had jumper kables hooked up to him to wake his napping butt up *Kough*
Frankenstein's monster was unique in that those kables made his heart beat again. Forever. He is an indestructable super-being that cannot die. And he perfers his meals cooked.
cooked and most of all, non-human.

zombies like most things in pop culture and in life are circular. in my opinion they seam to come in style every 5 years or so. they will always be a staple of b movie horror films when you need a cheap monster the zombies will step in. i think they are simply too good a monster to ever fade away. they will simply evolve.


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am

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