Wicked Zombies


Well its officially a new year, and you know what that means. one year closer to the inevitable extinction of the humans race at the hands of reanimated corpses. But until the day the dead rise from there grave to devour us all, what is everyone looking forward too? 2016 brings so many opportunity, new zombie films video games. new advances in weapons or just personal things you want to do in the new year? Tell us all about it, we want to know.

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I personally want to work on getting my commercial drivers license so i can pick up new jobs. as well as going to some more conventions. i got a list of some of the best ones happening in jersey so gonna see how many i can go too. oh and pride prejudice and zombies is coming out this year so yea!

I am Looking forward to the Walking Dead. Oh and health & wealth! LOL!

i think were all looking forward to the walking dead.

I was in Heaven with the marathon last week!

yeah nothing like bingin

I have spent the last year and a half really digging myself out of a pretty deep hole from some past transgressions. I hope to finally be all settled this year.

All I have lan to do is quit smoking...I'm moving closer and closer to that goal...I'm down to 3 to 4 cigarettes a day...In between I have been vaping and hoping to be able to quit vaping afterwards...But I'm working on it even more...Other then that I plan on doing my best in raising my kids, living, working and doing what I normally do, which is nothing...So nothing special....

vaping doesn't really help you with smoking. its really just as bad and addictive as the real thing. There really just high tech cigarettes with all the same crap in them. You know my dad was only able to quite by going cold turkey. Doctor told him that instead of smoking eat m&m and thats what he did. instead of buying a packs of cigarettes he bought bags of m&m's eat them everyday for like three weeks when ever time he had a craving to smoke and after that he got sick of them he never touched them or a cigarette again. It really is the only way to stop doing something is just to stop. you can't keep trying to slowly slow down it doesn't work. you need like a big event to get you to do it too, for my dad it was a health scare with his heart. turned out to be nothing but it gave him the motivation to quite. for me with losing it weight, it was when my dad made me swear, literally over my mother grave that i would get in shape. ever since I've eaten one meal a day, drank nothing but water and have already lost a hundred pounds. you really just gotta do it and commit. it will suck you'll feel like crap and you'll probably be a dick for awhile. but it really is the only way I've ever seen anything change.

   Saint, I did a bunch of reading and even looked at the studies in which a lot of people are going by for the "BAD" stuff in vaping. As I read the case studies and even those independent studies that have been posted all over the net about the harm of vaping.

   SO many people believe that vaping is just as harmful as smoking. But they fail to see the that since the induction of the smokeless cigarette back in the early 80's and even some findings that show its invention as far back as the 60's, the tobacco industry has been buying up all the patents for smokeless cigarettes and even e-cigarettes for many years because of the fear of loss profit.

   I've went from smoking 2 packs a day down to 3 or 4 cigarettes a day using vape mod. According to my doctor I actually have the energy and even the sex drive of being back in my late twenties and early 30's again and my breathing went from labored to almost normal. 

   Plus, I've seen vaping help people quit without the side affects of cold turkey. For the last three years my dad and his girlfriend have been vaping. My dad was a 4 pack a day smoker and his girlfriend was damn near a carton every three days. They started vaping and have not smoked a cigarette in 3 years. Their nicotine level that they use in their vapes are 0. They went from using 12, down to 8, down to 3 and have for the last year been on 0 nicotine. They both have decided that on their anniversary date of when they started vaping that they will no longer vape. 

   If you wish to learn more about vaping and even the TRUTH about vaping, here's the website that actually tells the real truth. I ran acrossed it by accident during my 2 years of of reading and researching..

   ANyways, I'm not getting into a debate on this, because there are pros and cons for and against vaping. Just like there are pros and cons for living, breathing, diets, drinking bottled water over tap water, eating meat, driving cars, using technology and peoples ways of life...

   http://vaping.info/  If that don't work just try typing in vaping.info     

   ANyways, it's working for me...

Oh and just one more thing, to many people are hooked on the word CIGARETTE. SO anything baring the word Cigarette in it makes people scared. SO when they tacked on the word cigarette to E-cigarette, peoples minds and thoughts and even the media went straight to its bad for you..

wow man hey if it works for you thats great, I've just never seen it done. to many of my friends and family started using vaping to quite but just ended up getting addicted to them instead. thats the only thing i dont like when people think there healthier. sure you'll see some improvement in breathing, water vaper vs smoke. but a lot of the stuff that causes cancer is still in them. any way just thought I'd tell you from person experience that going cold turkey aint all the bad. and the sooner you get it over with the better. but what do i know i can't get my grandfather to stop smoking 65 odd years and beating cancer later he still wont stop.

LOL  Its cool...Think I need to do a post to educate people more then just what the media likes to present...(LOL) We all know who controls the media...(LOL)


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   Well, wanted to juststop in and check on things...Been a long time since I have stopped by...Well things are not going as well as I would have hoped, but, you know, that's life...

   Some good things are my son, has turned 18 and has also graduated high school...I'm very proud of him...He has plans of going back to school after the getting a job and saving money for the school with the music production studies he wants to do...So I am very proud of…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on June 26, 2023 at 1:00am

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