Wicked Zombies


Revenant Genocide- Current Army Infantry Doctrine for hordes off 50 or more

Man, going over everyone's posts makes me realize how lucky I am to not have to worry about how to kill the living dead.  As a grunt, we're given access to all kinds of wonderful toys, most of them we'd never be allowed in the same room with... but things are different as you all know.

US Army doctrine at the squad level says that if a soldier can maintain and operate a weapon platform using available logistics, go for it.  The higher ups don't really care for it, but on the ground we love it, haha.  Anything we find, we're allowed to keep if it's useful, but it's our responsible to take care of our plunder.  A lot of Platoon Sergeants, mine included, requires soldiers to prove themselves competent and that all non-regulation weapons are operational before they allow them in the field. 

During the war, I was on Automatic Rifleman and a Machine Gunner.  I still am i guess, heh, but that tactics have really changed in how we operate.  Instead of suppressive fire, my job is to pour as much lead into groups of Romeos as possible.  If I don't kill them, then I maim them and one of the riflemen in my Fire Team puts them down.  Unless we're clearing tight spaces, they send guys like me in first to start dealing heavy damage to the opposition.  Ammunition's not a problem.  We could operate like this for four or five more decades and still not have to ration bullets.

When I was deployed, I was issued a M249 SAW and the newest M240LW machine gun.  The 240 is so light, I only carry the SAW if I'm ordered to.  Don't care for how little punch the 5.56 has.  Since coming home for the end of the world, I've expanded a bit.  A Ranger gave me his Mk48 when he decided he didn't want to work in the field anymore.  I found a brand new Mk43 in a National Guard Armoury.  Found Stoner M96 LMG in some gun nut's basement, and our division armorer was able to help me modify it to fire 6.8.  That beast is great for urban warfare.  Believe it not, I'm actually behind most of the other guys in how many amazing firearms I've collected.

And I know what you're thinking.... "How can I be excited about a bunch of guns when I spent most of my time blowing away the reanimated corpses of American citizens?"

Well... in short because that's my job.  I kill people/things that want to kill people that are my responsibility to protect.  So  yeah, I'm slightly detached from the emotional end of experiencing death so often.  The long answer is that, as many of you already know, if I can't keep my shit together, a lot of people will die.  We all find ways to cope.

Before you get the wrong impression, I'm not trying to say that we have things easy and that life is great for military personnel in the world we're living in.  In fact, it's awful.  We have no way of knowing if our family and friends are still alive, we're not allowed to try to contact them and we're held to strict regulations about how we can interact with civilians.  Every day we don't know if we're going to be fighting another super horde of the dead, elite soldiers from another country or a community of gangbangers that raided some gun stores and doesn't want to return to the real world.  It's not easy at all.  But... we did sign that dotted line, you know?  We can't quit just because the job sucks.

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Nice. I like this.

thanks!  I tend to rant at times, so i'm glad someone enjoyed it:)

i didnt think it was a rant. lol.

I didn't think it was a rant either...I thought it was a story someone was writing and they were just testing the waters with a little insert...Hell if that was a rant, hell it was to nice....(LOL)

Actually, that's almost exactly what it is, heh.  I got another on my blog... just thinking about putting some out there, you know?

   That's cool...I got a kick out of it...It was a little to nice for someone being in the service though...Specially if they were ranting...(LOL) But it's good..

lol, thanks, man, i'm glad you enjoyed it.  This and my blogs are modified summaries of a novel i've been working on for a while and i'm just starting to filter a bit to people to see how it's taken, you know?

And don't get me wrong, i can get off my leash at times, lol.  But I'm a Texas boy, so being polite and cordial is something i was raised with, heh.  It's an attitude that was reinforced by the military.  Unless they're designated as an enemy combatant, then it's another story, haha.


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am

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