Wicked Zombies


Dying on the battlefield is a glorious death. Being konsumed by thousands of undead as you scream your last bit of words away is the honorable way to go out. Not being able to help your fellow KOMRADZ because you died of a tooth infection is quite the opposite. In an outbreak world hygiene is key. Anyone who has a tooth abscess suffers unimaginable pain, and without proper kare will surely die of an infection. Though you kan get sick and take antibiotics, oral hygiene requires a specialist. Without a dentist or oral surgeon you will be in a world of hurt. This situation becomes especially grave when you take undead into account, if they attack you will not be much help. You kan potentially endanger the lives of your KOMRADZ, as well as your own. Please share your thoughts, and possible answers to the question of oral health and hygiene in an outbreak.

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i cant tell you how much i agree with this discussion base. death due to infection traveling through out your body is a grizzly way to go. i recomend we store up on both tooth brushes and tooth paste while we can. in my back pack i have no less then 4 large tubes of tooth paste and at least 10 tooth brushes. these will last me a long while. then when the tooth paste is gone. i got baking soda (a large box) and a bottle of peroxide (a large bottle) to make my own tooth paste with. not tasty like crest or aqua fresh mind you, but it will save your teeth from rotting out of your head and keep you from a slow painful death from rotted broken teeth. with any luck, we will save a dentist or oral surgeon to help us if dental emergencies should happen. they may just join up out of gratitude for saving their lives.
Great point baking soda and peroxide are not tasty but will keep your mouth klean.

While also keeping your teeth pearly white...

another thing you can add to this mix if desired is pummice powder. in small amounts,it will help by eliminating tatar from building up on your teeth and cause gingivitis or other forms of infections that cause tooth decay or loss. but keep in mind to use a very small amount. to much of this can damage teeth to because pummice is made from a type of volcanic rock. so caution should be used when adding this. in other words. if you dont feel comfortable with it, or have doubts on this or how to mix it. then dont use it. you can do more harm then good to your teeth.
HERE'S TO THE MOTHERLAND!!! ... and tooth brushing too.

joy. love. OOUUCCHH. lol. but you got a point here. if you dont brush the old choppers, then these nightmares will be needed.
i read enough pre-med books that i can do it. though i hate to say this. but without ladicain or novacain, no matter how gentle i am. it will still be the most painful thing in the world to have a tooth pulled thats not been knumbed without either one of the knumbing agents i listed. the best thing i can do is when then dead rise, go raid a dental office. there should be plenty there because when others raid for pain meds, they will be hitting the hospitals and not think of a dental office. we could also get things like antibiotics and pain pills there as well. i did some research and unknown to most. a dental office has almost as much as a fully stocked hospital does. best of all a 2 year supply of both ladicain and novacain for tooth extractions.
in a post zombie war world, peaceful sleep would be a welcome thing compared to the nightmares that will be a long ongoing thing. i fear that screams of bad dreams will be a common thing to hear for a while.
your not the only one love. i hear that the more the dream happens, the closer the event is. mine are everytime i close my eyes. i am so used to them that they dont bother me anymore. but on the same note, i cant help but wonder if what i heard on dreams is true.
i have had to many of my minds "stress relievers" to come true to believe in this one brother. way to many of them, but thanks anyway. lol.
Bad breath can be a weapon as Ossie says. He has been known to suffer from pyorrhoea and when anyone upsets him he sighs deeply exhorting Allah and the Prophet PBOH. The underlings in ALQAIDA quickly evacuate.
Home made mouthwash!
- Mix 100ml water with 100ml of peroxide. Add a pinch of salt and a pinch of baking soda.
i seen this mix before. the only thing missing is the mint extract for flavor to make it tollerable. great call vee.


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am

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