Wicked Zombies


   Ok guys, I've been working on my version of the Zombie Attack bat. Where instead of placing the blade in the center of the meat of the bat, I bladed my blade at the end of the aluminum bat. I finally found something to do my cuts I needed. I have to get the holes drilled to finish the mounting process, but here's what it's looking like so far....

I'm using two bolts to hold the blade in place plus they'll tighten the bat around the blade. It's a tight fit as we speak, but I want it tighter. 

   I still have the holes, bolts, paint and wrap to do, but it's looking better....And hey, I'm one step closer to the finished product....

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   No, I'm not going to cut the handle stop at the bottom of the bat to make a little cubby hole for simple shit that we'll already be carrying either in our pack or on our person somewhere...Yes having a few extra of what we need will be helpful, I just can't see doing the stopper part of the attack bat. 

   Specially when I'm going to be using paracord for the wrap.And if that damn rubber stopper screws up and falls out, not only will I be losing a few things, my wrap will end up coming undone and I'm not having that. Plus the lag screws that most people are placing at the top of the bat, to me is useless...If I wanted a spike bat, I would make it with the lag screws...

   Most of the zombie attack bats have these long screws at the top and the blade in the middle of the meat of the bat...Hell the screws will be the first thing to hit, not the blade. To me it's added weight that's just not needed...The blade will do the work in my version, not the screws.....(LOL)

cool now if only you could make the blade spin on a mooter like the ripper from dead island.

another thing to consider when putting things like compartments in items like bludgeon tools is compromising the structural integrity. hollow out the handle even so much as 6 inches on a good club could cause it to crack, splinter or flat out break. not good for an impact weapon. so i can see your point on not doing the compartment in the handle thing Jesse. and when it comes to the whole screws issue. what the average person does not realize on a spiked club is this. the average spike on a mid-evil club was only about 2 inches in length. reason being the spikes were only supposed assist in the damage. not be the primary cause of the damage. which is where you see spiked ball bats with 10 inch finishing nails and shit like that. things that will embed in the skull making a slow retrieval and a potential death sentence if you need your weapon for three or more zombies that accompanied the one now dead and no backup (i.e. people). thats why none of the spikes on my clubs go no more in length then 2 inches. but with a circular saw blade on there. spikes would not only be redundant. they would be in the way.

well he's using an aluminum bat which is naturally hollow so no risk in structural weakness that cutting the bat for the saw blade hasn't already done.

   And that's why I say no spikes...The blade should be enough to inflict the pain and the damage I want, whether it be the undead or the living....(LOL)

but thats my point saint. the more you do to a bludgeoning tool. the more you stand to weaken it with all the "improvements" and that even goes for aluminum to. sometimes the best improvement is to leave it alone. and being the initial cut for the blade will be a major thing. spikes and drilling out the handle could be a major mistake. i would do like Jesse is doing and just stay with the blade only.

i agree both unnecessary just pointing out the bat was already hollow. 

Hello there Zombie Killer!

You are going to do some damage to the living and the undead with that weapon!

Thank You...

when you get that thing done. be careful and dont put your eye out with that thing. and just remember. if you shake THE RAPTURE more then once. it counts as self pleasuring. LMAO!!!!


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am

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