Wicked Zombies


it goes with out saying that all of us love zombies, some of us are even actively preparing for the zombie apocalypse. but if given the choice would you release the zombie horde on an unsuspecting world?

"so here's the scenario you have gotten your hands on a real life zombie virus, never mind how. maybe it fell off the back of army truck, it doesn't mater. you know what it does, thanks to conveniently included instruction manual. all you have to do is open the canister in a public place and with in 48 hours the first people will begin to die and come back as zombies where they will follow Romero type rules with a few runners thrown in for fun. the virus is only air born for the first 20 minuets after exposure after which we switch to biting equals infection. the canister has a timer so you won't get infected when you release it.

now comes the choice do you A: release the zombie plague thous crossing off the number one thing on your and every other zombie fans bucket list. but also destroying modern civilization killing billions and possibly dooming all of humanity.

or B: press the also very convenient red self destruct switch next to the release switch, which kills the virus inside with fire. saving humanity, modern civilization but since this is the only sample of the zombie virus that will ever be made. dooming all zombie fans to a zombie-less future. forever devoid of brain eating, except for that one time on that summer vacation to Borneo.

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   Now, that I have the info I needed to make a full disclosure. I would set it off.

   The perfect place here in Tennessee to set something like that off, would be at The Country Music Fan Fair. Just about every year there's around a million people that visit Nashville for this so-called convention. Reports have it at about 1 million people attend every year. People from about 10 different countries travel to the Fan Fair. So this would make it the perfect place to begin the infection of the Zombie Apocalypse.

   It's not that hard to get lost within the music stages and end up finding your way under the main stage. With the fans that they place under the stage to circulate the air to keep the wires and other mechanical devices under the stage cool, setting and placement of the canister would be pretty easily done. 

   This would allow maximum exposure to a number of people, plus allowing the spread of the virus to reach it's utmost peak in outbreaks.

   Even though our civilization and society would be massively impacted, this would once again reset the natural balance in which we have so obscurely forced into our so-called Godly favor. Our whole society has been corrupted not by a single person, but by our own selfish greed for power. The lust of needing and wanting has always been our greatest downfall. History has proved it time and time again. From the rise of powerful men to the fall of great nations and empires. 

   Thus, this would be the reasoning behind setting this virus loose on our world. Or at least the reasoning I would feed myself. When in the long run, the true reasoning would be, 



that would be a good ground zero bro. a REAL good one.

i agree damn fine bio terrorist work Jesse damn fine. lol hope the nsa aint monitoring this thread.

   Thanks...That's why I asked for a little more details on the canister. If it was to big, like the size of the oil drum that Tar-man was in, (Return of the Living Dead), that would mean night ops and a whole different placement of the container. 

   Which in that case, it would take on a whole new aspect of finding the best place. Granted placing it during Fan Fair would be a perfect place for it, but with the transporting, placement and the maneuvering of the large container into a place where it wouldn't be noticed by even the most expert in security would prove to be even a task for some of the local thinkers.

   The tools within placing the canister as it is, would only take a few pieces of duct tape. Taping it to a small bundle of wires which would make it look like some kind of equipment that controls the current in the wires. making sure it's right in front of one of the fans would really make sure the spread of the virus was successful during the Music festival.

   Now, if it was the size of lets say, Tar Man's container from Return of the Living Dead. That would mean planning a night ops, where you or me would have to go in a day before, after they have set up all the stages for the acts, find the main stage, transport the container to that stage, rolling it carefully under the stage, finding the center at the front of the stage and digging a hole in which to place the container in. Tools needed for that would be a truck or van for transporting the container, an entrenching tool for the digging of the hole, a dolly of some sort to help with moving the container, a few flashlights and about two other people.

   Thus forming a stressful and most likely guilt ridden person who would narc on you and the other person or persons that forefilled the completion of the planting.

   But anyways, after digging the hole and making sure that once the container is armed and covered, you would have to make sure that the ejectors of the virus would not be hindered by the dirt and debris. 

   But yeah, Thanks for the compliment.

you thought that all out a little to well my friend, now I'm wondering just who you are Jessie W. Garrett III. lol



LMAO!!! no just think about the quiet ones here or the ones that DONT share a lot of details. in all due honesty. we all a bunch of sickies. lol. you get to figure out just how far it goes though. lol

 B: press the also very convenient red self destruct switch next to the release switch, which kills the virus inside with fire. saving humanity, modern civilization but since this is the only sample of the zombie virus that will ever be made. dooming all to a zombie-less future. forever devoid of brain eating, except for that one time on that summer vacation to Borneo.


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am

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