Wicked Zombies


THE GOD FATHER OF ALL THINGS ZOMBIE IS COMING TO NJ!!! this years annual monster-mania convention 25 august 16-18. i was on the ropes about checking out this convention but this news just sealed the deal. transportation be damned i will be there. come hell, high water or walking corpses. so any of you in the new jersey, Philadelphia, new york area i invite you to come join me, at only 50 dollars for a three day pass 25 for each day, its a steal. I'm saving up and ordering my tickets first thing next month. but don't think the legend is all they have to offer. princes Leia, Christopher Lloyd, Malcolm MacDonald, the cast of Americas being human, Carl from the walking dead Saturday only, dick warlock, Gary Busey, the ladies of the original evil dead! and more!!! some come represent wicked zombies, maybe even start a horde!!!! check it all out here at monster-mania.com

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there is a rule of thumb to remember here. states are ruled by politicians and politicians are asshats and idiots. thats why congress and the senate is so fucked up right now. lol

yeah but what are you gonna do? untill the zombies rise and we can form our own nations we have to live with choosing between a giant dosh and a turd sandwich.

try to work in between. lol

fuck fuck fuck i just found out why i never saw anyone famous turns. out i completely missed the autograph room it was in its own little off shoot room away from the main building and i only know this now room watching people videos of the con. the room i thought was for autographs was actually for professional photo ops and i suck man that really just made my heart sink i spent my whole time their just going back and fourth from these same five rooms when i could have seen Romero fuck. why in the name Michal MC-Donald's balls did they not have a map of the convention put up. i saw it two i saw the lines and the room when i went outside to get some air i thought it was a fucking restaurant i am so fucking stupid. blew my fucking chance.

its an honest mistake bro. dont kick yourself so hard.

yeah it just really felt like a kick in the balls when i figured it out. most fucked up thing is i had seen in another video from a previous con i watched like a few weeks before i left that the autograph signing was happening in that room but i had totally forgot about it by the time i showed up. ahh what can you do i heard the prices were outrageous the lowest was like 40 bucks. princes laya's was like 60 for just a signature. since Romero was the other VIP guest i guess his would have been about the same.s till a huge shot in the heart. all i can hope is that he does do next year.either way I'm totally saving up and going all three days. also gonna take a car serves their and back taking public brought me threw some really sketchy areas. one junky tried to get me to buy him milk. yeah okay i'll go around the corner to the "supposed" cvs so your buddy's can beat, rob, and possibly kill me yeah right.

Just wait for the next convention and have the place mapped out. 

thats just what I'm gonna have to do. that an pray to zombie Jesus Romero doesn't quit the circuit.

he is a hard core zombie fanatic like us. once in the blood. you cant say no. so i think he will have a few more conventions left in him before he really retires from the circuit. just keep the faith brother. just keep the faith.

well thats what I'm hopping for but it does me no good if he goes to convention i can't get too. well ill just play it by ear. i found an address you can mail to him for autographs. its not meeting him and it looks like it'll take 3 month minimum with no guaranties but it's something. now i gotta get some picture or something to mail him. should have bought one at the con.

what about the NOTLD poster you bought? i am sure he would put his signature to that.

maybe if i can get another one i don't want to risk something happening to this one. thats a good idea ill try and find anther one of these posters to have him sign thanks rhino.


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am

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