Wicked Zombies


THE GOD FATHER OF ALL THINGS ZOMBIE IS COMING TO NJ!!! this years annual monster-mania convention 25 august 16-18. i was on the ropes about checking out this convention but this news just sealed the deal. transportation be damned i will be there. come hell, high water or walking corpses. so any of you in the new jersey, Philadelphia, new york area i invite you to come join me, at only 50 dollars for a three day pass 25 for each day, its a steal. I'm saving up and ordering my tickets first thing next month. but don't think the legend is all they have to offer. princes Leia, Christopher Lloyd, Malcolm MacDonald, the cast of Americas being human, Carl from the walking dead Saturday only, dick warlock, Gary Busey, the ladies of the original evil dead! and more!!! some come represent wicked zombies, maybe even start a horde!!!! check it all out here at monster-mania.com

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yeah it's a good knife solid build my old fault with it is it has the crappy knife lock, you know the one thats just a little spring bar right under the blade. if you go to stab and your finger hits that lock it could snap shut and cut your finger sometime really bad. don't need that when your fight zombies. id prefer a good switch blade to bad their illegal in the us.

I like the blade you can practice your zombie kills with it!

yeah its defiantly my favorite

they are not illegal in the USA. in fact, they are not illegal to sell. fact is they are a state by state issue thing concerning them. like in my state for instance. you buy them. you can sell them. you can even own them. you just cant carry them. now there are states you cant even do what my state allows. then i ran into states that only law enforcement can own them. its all a matter of state and the laws they have. then the funniest law is in California. they ban the carry of a switchblade. UNLESS it measures a total of 3 inches in length. lol. now that is funny. try killing a person much less a stinker with that. lol. but yeah. its a state thing. i been meaning to set up a section in my ALAMO GUNS page for them. i just never got around to it yet. might do it this weekend now that i made a sticky note on it. lol. thanks for the reminder. lol

we have a similar law here nj for all knives. it's illegal to carry a knife thats blade exceeds three inches or general rule of thumb is the with of four fingers. thats the law but if the cops catch you with it even if its in the legal limit most of the time they will still charge you with it. i mean come on this is the state that banned slingshots for gods sake. kinda you have to have a good reason for having it which basically means it's up to the cop to decide whether or not to charge yo for it. not sure about switch blades but i really really doubt it.

here is the law as it states and it makes it very confusing about whats legal and what not. even the definition of legal is sketch. a real fucking idiot must have written this law.

New Jersey - Code of Criminal Justice

- 2C:39-3 Prohibited Weapons and Devices...

e. Certain weapons. Any person who knowingly has in his
possession any gravity knife, switchblade knife, dagger,
dirk, stiletto, billy, blackjack, metal knuckle, sandclub,
slingshot, cestus or similar leather band studded with
metal filings or razor blades imbedded in wood, ballistic
knife, without any explainable lawful purpose, is guilty
of a crime of the fourth degree.

- 2C:39-1 h. "Gravity knife" means any knife which has a
blade which is released from the handle or sheath thereof
by the force of gravity or the application of centrifugal
force... p. "Switchblade knife" means any knife or similar
device which has blade which opens automatically by hand
pressure applied to a button, spring or other device in
the handle of the knife... u. "Ballistic knife" means any
weapon or other device capable of lethal use and which can
propel a knife blade.

- 2C:39-4. Possession of weapons for unlawful purposes...
d. Other weapons. Any person who has in his possession any
weapon, except a firearm, with a purpose to use it
unlawfully against the person or property of another is
guilty of a crime of the third degree.

- 2C:39-5. Unlawful Possession of Weapons... d. Other weapons.
Any person who knowingly has in his possession any other
weapon under circumstances not manifestly appropriate for
such lawful uses as it may have is guilty of a crime of
the fourth degree.
- - e. Firearms or other weapons in educational institutions...
(2)Any person who knowingly possesses any weapon enumerated
in paragraphs (3) and (4) of subsection r. of N.J.S.2C:39-1
or any components which can readily be assembled into a
firearm or other weapon enumerated in subsection r. of
N.J.S.2C:39-1 or any other weapon under circumstances not
manifestly appropriate for such lawful use as it may have,
while in or upon any part of the buildings or grounds of any
school, college, university or other educational institution
without the written authorization of the governing officer
of the institution is guilty of a crime of the fourth degree.

- 2C:39-6. f. Nothing in subsections b., c. and d. of N.J.S.2C:39-5
shall be construed to prevent... (2) A person carrying a firearm
or knife in the woods or fields or upon the waters of this State
for the purpose of hunting, target practice or fishing, provided
that the firearm or knife is legal and appropriate for hunting
or fishing purposes in this State and he has in his possession
a valid hunting license, or, with respect to fresh water fishing,
a valid fishing license;

(3) A person transporting any firearm or knife while traveling:
(a) Directly to or from any place for the purpose of hunting or
fishing, provided the person has in his possession a valid
hunting or fishing license; or

- 2C:39-9. d. Weapons. Any person who manufactures, causes to
be manufactured, transports, ships, sells or disposes of
any weapon including gravity knives, switchblade knives,
daggers, dirks, stilettos... is guilty of a crime of the
fourth degree.

- 2C:39-9.1... Any person who sells any hunting, fishing,
combat or survival knife having a blade length of five
inches or more or an overall length of 10 inches or more
to a person under 18 years of age commits a crime of the
fourth degree...

New Jersey Case Law:
- "Concealment was not a necessary element of the offense of
carrying a dangerous knife." (1973)
- "Concealment of weapon at time of incident constituted
important factor of offense of possession of dangerous
knife." (1971)


so from what i can gleam of this law and from Wikipedia i can own a switch blade if i can give a lawful reason to have it which means if a cop finds it it's up to him whether or not to charge me for it. i say its for everyday tasks it's up to him to go for it. but they probably wont because they're dicks. so i can own it but not carry it or any other knife unless I'm going hunting or fishing with a valid license. but for my knives the cops will give you pass unless you get a dick or mouth off to him. and i doubt very much that they will let me carry around a switchblade.

so while i can kind of own one you can't make it, trade it, ship it, sell it or buy it here which means i would have to buy it out of the state and then get it home with out getting caught with it. too much work for a cool knife.

That's what I like about TN, I can carry a large hunting knife or a Bowie knife on my side into Wal-Mart and anywhere else around and it's normal. But if I pull it, it has to be in self defense.  Just like side arms, we can carry them anywhere, but if that weapon leaves its holster, it better be to protect you and those around.

   The rule around here, or the rule thats in the books, the blade cannot be longer then the inside of your car door. If the blade is longer then the thickest part of the inside of your car door frame, then its supposed to be illegal. But hardly no one follows that rule. hell not even the cops follow it...(LOL)

lucky son of a bitch lol. turns out their is no length restriction but the cops can fuck with you for it if they want to so it really just comes down to whether you get a dick or not. which around here is pretty much a certainty. but that hasn't stooped me yet. my first word was knife and ill be damned if their gonna take one away from me now.

the cops in Ohio dont push it unless the blade goes past 6 inches. thats why i keep the one i carry razor blade sharp for max damage with the least amount of effort. lol

yeah. i heard Jersey was run by pickle dicks. here in Ohio. anyone can purchase, sell, or possess anything like a gravity knife or a switchblade. you just cant carry them. and to sell them legally. you need to be a licensed dealer like me. Jersey, New York, and Cali are funky about their knife laws. due to Ohio's laws. i have an extensive collection of switchblades of all types.

yeah new jersey just goes to show you that people can be jack booted thugs and pussy's at the same time. ohh they're easily concealable weapons, you know what else is a sharpened stick if i put it up my sleeve. god i hate this state.


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am

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