Wicked Zombies


There are many story's I'v heard (mostly war related) of people keeping trophy's or collecting things when they where on tour (WW2 vets mostly but I have friends in the army who do as well.) this ranges from anything from ears of kills to dog tags of fallen friends. Keepsakes that tell us where we have been or trophy's that show achievement or improvement.

So I raise this question to all you Survivors out there.

What would you do? I'v asked my friends and it's ranged from zombie teeth to engagements rings of family or dead.

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   Never thought about trophies or anything like that after killing zeds or others...I have thought about a few things in which to use as camoflage for your building or compound and as a psychological tactic to warm others not to attack...Using the skulls to line the top of the compound or building and placing them on spikes outside the building or compound and smearing the walls with the zeds blood and insides as camoflage against the zeds...Plus those who actually attack have to face the fact they could be infected if they hurt themselves while attacking the walls....

   But as for me taking trophies, would probably be teeth...But they have to have gold or metal in them...I can use the gold for trade and the metal as shot for shotgun shells...But when zeds are walking, your mindset changes in order to survive...So you never know what you might do...So I'm not sure what in the hell I will do....


i understand the gold but going for metal in which you can use any other thing is kinda stupid. metal is all around you you don't have to risk getting infect just to get some. how ever using zombie teeth as buck shot to infect human enemy's might be interesting.

but the metal in teeth is usually pewter which is soft like lead. so if its shot out of a shotgun barrel. it wont damage the barrel like steel shot or other hard metals. now the zombie teeth are a whole new ballgame. calcium under that kind of explosive pressures will just pulverize to dust by the time it leaves the barrel end. not a good idea. but the pewter fillings? that is indeed a novel idea. but i hope the one shot does not survive. that would just make another undead enemy to fight later.

carefully used it might be good against large invading forces. like catapulting plague ridden body's over castle walls. it;s a pretty simple form of bio warfare. like what the governor did to the prison with that van full of walkers. only you don't need to round them up just convert some of their men. and you could use a lower power powder charge so the teeth stay intact. a little braking up is fine like shooting rock salt at them, zombie infected rock salt. i hated the governor but i loved his tactics very out of the box.

I will want to forget all the killing when it is all done and over. So I definitely do not want any trophy to remind me of the Horror's of the Zombie Apocalypse.

thats why i dont really want them either. but like i told Saint earlier. my short and long term memory is a photographic memory. so forgetting is not an option for me. once seen. forever recorded.

ears and fingers and maybe the odd scalp.

everybody always goes to ears now after the walking dead.

the first time i saw ears being taken as a trophy was in a movie called Universal Soldier. in the beginning of it. Jean Claude Van Damme was in Vietnam and his platoon Sergent went off the deep end. as a result. anyone he felt was not listening to him. he would kill them and cut their ears off as a trophy. awesome movie.

yeah but walking dead brought it back in a big way you gotta admit.

The first time I saw ears being used as trophies was some old Vietnam movie reels...

at least Daryl didnt go for the nose. i can see it now. a necklace of noses dripping undead boogers. yum yum give me one. LMAO!!!!


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