Wicked Zombies


Hi, as a member of the minority of zombie loving people who don't own guns. I would like to pose you all a question. Now many of you im sure have heard of a potato gun, perhaps even built and fired one. For those of you who aren’t. A potato gun is a collection of pipes put to together to act like a miniature cannon. You have a large combustion chamber you fill with hair spray or any other fuel you’d like. And a long barrel in which you put a potato or other projectile. Then you put a light to the thing and it will shoot out that potato a long damn ways. Now I was wondering what you all might think of a smaller version designed to shot out steel ball bearings, as zombie killing weapon, for those of us with out firearm access. Now before anyone else gets into it I will way the pros and cons for every one.

Can be constructed quickly,
Requires no license to own or shot,
Ability to fire different types of ammo,
Ability to fire improvised ammo,
Ability to possibly reuse ammo,
Easily available ammo ,
Can carry a large amount of ammo easily,
Can use a variety of propellants,  
Easily Available Propellants,
Can carry a large amount of Propellant easily,
Easy to repair,
East to replace.

Single shot only,
Slow reload time,
Questionable accuracy,
Questionable killing power against zombie.

It seams to me that the Pros out way the cons, but that’s just my opinion now I want yours wicked Zombie. Tell me if this is a Zombie killing win, or if it will just get me eaten.  I WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU.

Potato gun blueprint

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look up match head cannon on youtube

okay thanks for the tip

given what i know on firearms. i would say that this is a questionable killer at best. reason being the farther the target. the less strength it may have. its not like a normal gun after all because it uses things like hair spray instead of gun powder, no rifling in the barrel to produce accuracy. and no seal around the projectile like a bullet would have to produce power behind the projectile. even the destructive force of the civil war cannon had the luxury of gun powder for the force needed to be lethal. so even if you use rocks. being the propellant type being used. to get a kill. you would have to be at the most an average of 10 feet to get the job done. and on top of that. hope you put enough spray in it to put the rock through the skull and into the brain. combustible air propellants are just to unreliable to stake ones life on. i would sooner use a sling bow only before trusting a spud gun to do the job with. even using shot or ball bearings in my opinion would be untrustworthy using combustible air propellants. so i would have to say if this would be a primary weapon. then be prepared to be a zombie happy meal. if i were going to make a portable cannon of any kind. i would use durable enough materials to make it able to use gun powder. and before we say that gun powder will be hard to find. keep in mind that gun powder is rather easy to make. the ratio of the mix is rather easy to remember.

75 - 15 - 10

so the mix would go as follows.




the materials for this is easy to find and since the average person does not even know what to do with it. it will be plenty easy to come by and utilize. and way lighter then carrying aerosol cans of any kind.

i can't find fault with you rhino it was just an idea i was kicking around, what do you think of the co2 cannon option. much more reliable through i don't know if the powers any better. although i guess i could just cut out the middle man and put ball bearing in a paintball gun. don't know how safe that is.


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am

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