Wicked Zombies


okay well lets assume that you have been surviving the horde and to your dismay you have run out of whatever you are addicted to,what is it that you are addicted to and what do you do to get some more of it?

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please send me a map when shit hits the fan
you DO realize that a zombie dont needto breath so crossing to an island from a large body of land is no big problem. so you will STILL have to stay sober to protect your shores. so is the idea of being stoned all the time still a good idea to you now?
but if you kick all your habits and addictions like i did, then nobody can use them to their advantage like hold your addictions over your head.

well if your high and shit, ill let all those cracked out wasted dudes be the speed bumbs while i get outta dodge.
A Romero style zombie would never be able to cross a nice size body of salt water, an island for me and my family would be ideal. I am not trying to get fucked up everyday during a zombie war, but if the world is ending then I think of no better time EVER to catch a little buzz. I manage a large beer store in the hardcore ghetto and I really do pretend that the crackheads are shamblers and I feel like when shit goes down I will dominate this area anyway. I watch them wobble up and down the street and it really looks like zombies. The lack of drugs will tear this place apart and I am very fortunate to have no dependencies of my own. Although I do agree that the hardcore stoners will be easy prey though. They say the only things of value in the end times will be drugs, guns, food, and pussy. So stock up!
i do agree on a few points of order here.

1) stock up on any PRESCRIPTION meds you needto stay alive (i.e. insulins)
2) definately stock up on guns. if you can, get an FFL to help in this. it costs 200 for the aplication. just look up the B.A.T.F. on line.
3) food is a definate must. MRE's if possible. way lighter to carry.
4) now the HAREM thing within reason dude. to much of a good thing can kill dude.

now to address the water thing. if you watch on the film LAND OF THE DEAD, the lead zed crossed one hell of a fresh water lake to get to FIDDLER'S GREEN. all it takes is one to get determined and lead the way. so for safety sake, dont rule out a posiblity here. think in terms of the impossable and prepare for it. never rule anything out or it could bite you in the ass.
I have bad luck so it would turn out to be the Lost island anyway. Smoke monster would suck to battle.
smoke monster??? okayyy.
Nice. You better go find some pussy and food.
No addictions im happy to say. But if i was to want something. Maybe, um. candy. Yea chocolate. I would kill somebody for some damn chocolate. j/k. Well maybe. lol I havnt' been without it so we will have to see wont we.
the best way to live life is addiction free. nothing to hold over your head or grab you by the balls when you least expect it.
Everybody has an addiction. Cigs. booze and drugs arent the only things. I know people that dont get high but eat themselves to death. Others rely on sex or gambling. Like I said, everbody has a vice that floats their boat. Many people with substance abuse problems become fitness junkies to the extreme. too much of anything is a bad thing. You find me one fuckin person in this world that isnt addicted to something.


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