Wicked Zombies


Well I be new here so thought I would take this moment to say howdyado.

Anyone here got tattoos? Big interest of mine, the art people wear on their bodies. I have a fair amount of work done on my body. Mostly my arms, ranging from samurais, to skulls, masks, angels, , dragons, panthers and tribal stuff (all have meaning). A majority of my tattoos can be seen in my photo albums on here:


I'd be curious to see any of yours too. Let's get a tatts discussion going (if one doesn't exist already, in which case, my bad)

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......lol. That was entirely too close to home. I'm gonna take it to heart though.

and a rugby player build eh?? I'm gonna smother my urge to flirt and just let the truth about women suprise you.

Fair play to you not wanting to compromise yourself because of other people's misconceptions. That's awesome.

With me, people see me walking down the street and automatically assume that I'm a thug, also because of the short hair and big goattee. Don't bother me these days though, did for a while, seeing women clutch their purse etc (it does happen). It's their problem though. I like to give these people a wink and a big smile as I walk past :D

The business thing you mentioned sounds interesting though. I take it that it relates to clothing in some way? Always good to have a battle plan for life. I plan to open my own business one day but still at odds as to what I want to do. Thinking about doing something relating to art, such as band art. I have done a lot of logos and album covers/tee shirt designs etc for friends bands and local bands in my area. But at the moment I see it as more of a hobby?

@ Big D

That's part of my problem! I'm a very imposing person. My body is built a certain way I carry myself a certain way, I'm generally quiet and standoffish or in other words, completely intimidating. People cower. It's partially...it's a HUGE problem like can't you see I'm tanking?! Get over yourself. I try SO hard to smile and hold it together but I've been losing it lately. How do you deal with people not seeing a hunan being?

@ Feist

I love that name! Birds Flock. It has a ring to it and I like it implies a sense of comraderie.

Haha I know right? Oh the ebb and flow of forums. Can take some interesting turns can't it. You got any ink Preacher?

Awesome man. What kind of styles? Tribal? Shaded?

*cough* Sorry bout that. It was just cool cuz I was literally thinking like an hour ago about what a big guy feels like to cuddle with and he was like 'i'm a big guy'...so i got emotional i think im gonna cry within the hour because a convo about tattoos isnt just a convo about tattoos its a very powerful, coicidental...nevermind. Tattoos. are awesome. *sniffling*

Well it's all good as far as I'm concerned. Conversations drift back and forth like in real life. But incidentally, regarding a couple of your posts, I was actually going to PM ya but you haven't accepted my friend request lol.

oh! cool! *accept*

Also, on a side note, one style I saw the other day caught me off guard completely, branding combined with tattooing. I'll be honest when I say this, I outright haven't got the balls to go get this done myself as the pain and afterburn must be unreal. I saw this dude with a branding with tattoos around it. I ended up speaking to the guy as we were both queuing up at the local petrol station and he noticed me looking at it. After a brief WTF, we got chatting about it and he said that the aftercare is the exact opposite to traditional tattooing. Apparently you have to pick at the scabbing as often as possible for the scar to remain bold. Anyone else seen this style? Pretty ballsy, I'll say that much. But with the tattooing around it, looks pretty unique.

Burns are no joke. I've had several degrees of it from several sources and I will stick to traditional tattooing methods. Burns from hot sources become a matter of the mind like if you focus on the sensation of heat it doesn't truly register but...that method sounds so morbid and just. It wouldn't be for me.

Me neither. Doesn't appeal to me. The smell of burning flesh would bother me immensely too. Looks cool don't get me wrong but I don't think I could stomach it. It's pretty damn extreme.

pain is a device of the mind. it can be conquered and controlled. due to the pain i have from prior injuries. that is how i tend to live day to day. turn off the pain. conquer it. control it. use it to my needs and will. you can do it with enough mental strength and force of mind and will. i learned to do it when i broke my back the first time. it became second nature from there after the second broken vertebrae. then after three knee injuries. on both knees. and a few other broken bones. the key is to not let the pain to become an emotional response as well as a physical one. when you separate the two. the rest just falls in line. i can remember the pain from my first broken vertebrae. T10, right dead center of the back. the pain is a white hot pain. like fire but way worse. took me two weeks to learn how to condition myself to take the pain so i could walk again. when i finally mastered taking and controlling the pain. i went from a wheel chair to a walker. from a walker to a cane. and have been able to stay to the cane ever since. unfortunately i have yet to learn how to use it so i dont need the cane yet. but it beats the later. wheel chair bound.


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am

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