Wicked Zombies


Think of someone you hate (or if thats too strong of a word, simply strongly dislike), when shit hits the fan, and Z-day breaks, how would you react if you run into this person still alive? Would you be willing to squash it and let bygons be bygons for the sake of survivial? Would  you use it as an opportunity to simply shoot him like youve always wanted to? LOL...Try to seriously consider how you would react, you may actually need this person for survival...

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I would let them DIE! 

if this person was bad enough to be my enemy. then there is NO WAY IN FIERY HELL i would trust them enough to be an ally. so it would be a major case of put a bullet in the head and yell "THERE'S ANOTHER ONE FER THE FIRE!"

i have a strong feeling there will be alot of korpses strewn about with bullet holes in their bakks in the first days of the outbreak Komradz-proceed in your plans with kaution

i am a firm believer in not shooting a man in the back. i shoot them while they are looking at me so they know for sure who sent them to hell on a shingle. lol.

for the sake of survival and basic human decency, I have to say I would allow this person an opportunity to live and let live, for the sake of my survival, I would be  willing to cooperate, however this person would have an EXTREMELY short leash and at the first sight of any shady doings I wouldnt hesitate to take care of him "damn, zombies got him, I did all I could"...

thats being more gracious then i would be. granted i would not go and hunt them down. but if they posed a threat to me. i would have to put a new butt hole in the center of their forehead with a bullet or save the ammo and club them to death. either way. "THERE'S ANOTHER ONE FER THE FIRE". lol. i just love that phrase. its my favorite next to "FUCK 'EM! LET 'EM COOK FOR A WHILE!" lol.

Obviously, Im not talking about them necessarily posing a  threat, just simply in your journeys for survival you stumble across them, and its like "oh, shit, its you" sometimes you have to squash it and think about the greater good, no?

depends on the type of person that they are. if they were just the kind that would steal money. thats one thing. i can overlook that and work with them until they tried to steal my shit or my family's shit needed to survive. but if i knew they were the kind that would kill me in my sleep just for nothing before. then i would have to say take 'em out and fast if i bumped into them. if they would kill ya in this world. they will take you out in the z-poc. take no chances there. kill them before they kill you. by doing that. you are preserving the greater good and maybe, just maybe, saving an innocent life in turn that will help you unconditionally.

the best way i can explain it is like the outlook The Fraternity took in WANTED.



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Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on June 26, 2023 at 1:00am

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