Wicked Zombies


To kill a zombie you have to destroy the brain, but my question is how much brain must be destroyed to effectively keep the undead...DEAD?

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to kill a ghoul or better known as a zombie. all you need do is pierce the skull to get to the brain. below are the best examples of how to stop a zombie for good.

example 1: bullets. they punch through the skull with ease. they hit the brain with force. and even a simple .22 long rifle round can get the job done

example 2: clubs. they can fracture or shatter the skull and destroy the brain entirely though this means getting close up and personal with a zombie.

example 3: stabbing tools. things like a good, stout, knife blade can also get the job done. however i would recomend using things like ice picks or screwdrivers for this because your knife is one of the most needed and most valuable tools for survival one can have. an ice pick or screwdriver however can survive multiple engagements before the need to be replaced and can be most readliy found. this form of fighting however is the absolute last resort for killing a zombie because the closer you get to a zombie, the more likely you are to be infected by them.
zombies when it comes down to it are no different then us. they just work on a less then perfect level is all. so if you look at a weapon and ask yourself "can this kill me if it reaches the brain?". then it will kill a zombie to. you only have to ask yourself how close or far you would want the big stinker to be to you is all.
cerebellum def. it stops every function of the body.
one fool proof way is to destory the brainstem, sever the stem, theres no question...now...this is actually a good question if you really think about it, because if we humans can get shot in the head and still survive (which happens more than you think, a head shot is not always an intant kill) at least not with smaller calibur weapons...I believe it would take more than a smash with a baseball bat or club to intantly kill one...

Do you need to destroy the whole brain? 

I have always wondered the same thing. What if you hit one side and the other is is alive?

I think it would take at least an equivalent shot as needed to kill a human, as I stated earlier, ppl survive headshots, whether its a gunshot, or a blunt instrument, or some other trauma (accident, falling, etc.) a quick bat to the skull may not be an intant kill, even a gunshot may not do it. Granted a gunshot to the skull more often than not results in death, but a few inches here or there, in us living folks, will cause brain damage, but not death, so a zombie wont have to worry about brain damage...bottom line, you will need to make sure your head shot did the job...this wont be the movies (keep in mind, in the movies ppl get stabbed in the stomach and die withing a minute lol)

this is why a shotgun is the shit! lol, nobody survives a shotgun blast to the head, cuz your brain is blown in pieces instantly...

Bang and now your dead again!


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am

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