Wicked Zombies


As I sat here and watched some of my zombie flicks. My mind pondered to the literature that I read. The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks. Then it came to me as to what he said in it. He told us that zombies cant climb things like stairs or ladders or at best have trouble doing so. Again either a good example of a man not doing his homework. Or he just LIED!!! Reason I point out such a little point of order is because while I watched the classic Dawn of the Dead (1978). I noticed zombies doing just that. CLIMBING!! They climbed escalators while the power was off in the mall like we would climb stairs. They also at the end of the movie, climbed a ladder to the roof after what was left of the heroes of the movie as they flew away in the chopper. Then I saw another example of zombies climbing. They climbed the fence as the girls turned on the power to the amusement park "Pacific Playland" in the movie ZOMBIELAND.  So riddle me this. WHATS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE?!! We in some cases have been basing our defenses on Max Brooks writings. If the movies are the best thing to a true survival guide, then we better be rethinking our whole strategy on survival and zombies being able climb.

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I think zoms will be like a person who woke out of a coma w/amnesia. i don't think the body would forget basic movements, it just wouldn't have thoughts like a normal person. my question for you guys is....if a zombie eats and eats and eats and doesn't use the bathroom (cause, i've never seen a zom take a shit in a movie) how do they not explode from overfilling themselves? in all seriousness though, i would try to take a little of what i've learned from all zombie materials and just keep yourself prepared for anything

I haven't seen it but anything with both of them is bound to be funny as hell

my guess is based on my knowledge of the human body. being the internal organs wont work anymore. my guess would be that what they eat would have to be pushed out of the bowls by fresh food. part of the reason a zombie would stink so bad. if this didnt happen then they would just explode from the inside out from all that they eat. in a book i read. The Zombie Combat Manual by Roger Ma. he even points out that the worst thing to assail the human sense of smell is the smell of rotting human flesh. now compound this with rotting chewed human flesh and you have a really bad smelling enemy that will make you do the following.


1) fight the urge to vomit

2) make your nose feel a stinging sensation

3) make your eyes water and tear up uncontrolably


so for all pretenses and purposes. we will basically be fighting these things with a gas mask on. making a gas mask that much more a necessary and very vital piece of equipment to survive.

I should really steer away from reading stuff on wz right after eating lol.
sorry love. lol. if you want. i can line you up with a good gas mask. lol.
i don't know if i could stand wearing one. i freaked out when i put chris's on.
the one like i have in my profile pic and the M15 gas mask are not so enclosed as Mr. Sunyaks is.
well its simple, the infected ragers of course can climb...the staggering undead walkers would lack the coordination and strength (especially for ladders) now...we cant base our beliefs strictly on Romero movies...there are going to be some unforseen rules that zombies will either break or adhere to... I believe that some (not all) zombies (walkers) wil probably be able to manage to stagger up a couple flights of stairs....
very true. when it comes down to the fine wire. it is all strictly speculation and a degree of common sense. the rules of engagement will be defined for sure when it all comes to pass.
If the infected have the strength to  climb and run this is because they are not dead. The undead zombie is full of rigor mortis which should make walking difficult. Climbing would be impossible because their bones won't be able to hold the weight.
the bones are the very last thing to go. reason being they would need to be exposed to the air for that. as long as the bones are covered with rotten flesh, they will stay strong enough to hold the weight.

If our zombie survival is all wrong the Komradz what should be be preparing for instead?


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am

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