Wicked Zombies


When the lights go out and the stores are looted it would be preferable to already have the knowledge of herbal remedies,skratchmade weapons and the skills of survival-this sektions purpose is to edukate those who do not possess the know how of such things-try to keep your posts in the areas of AVAILABILITY/SPEED/EFFEKTIVENESS

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Most excellent... They trained us to use the MRE bag for the sucking chest wound!
what exactly is a "sucking chest wound"? i never heard of one till the last few postings.

A hole in the chest (gunshot wound, stabbing or other puncture wound) makes a new pathway for air to travel into the chest when it expands. That hole pulling air into the chest cavity is called a sucking chest wound. Sucking chest wounds are dangerous because they lead to collapsed lungs. The air kinda circulates and doesnt fill the lungs... not a happy camper! Im sure there is a better medical explination for it.

definately a fatal wound. wow.
yeah, most likely! :(

good shit ta know!


these are awesome little packs. i have had a few orders for them in the past by a few locals here. and while in my possession waiting for there pick up, i got a good look at them. i highly recommend them.


"Used to create smoke screens-the grenades can be used to provide opportunity for movement over ground covered by fire-smoke grenades can also be used to signal aircraft-thermal imaging can be used to "see" through the smoke screen....."

                                          *definition by wikipedia


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Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on June 26, 2023 at 1:00am

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