Wicked Zombies


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I stumbled over a few charred bits of metal, taking cover behind a burnt out car. I had been walking for hours, and needed a rest. I unbuttoned the greatcoat, and aired myself out, taking a few sips of the little water I had left. Things weren't looking good, and I couldn't help but wonder if any of my comrades were left alive.


A few gunshots sounded and I snapped my head to the right, drawing my Luger instinctively. Lo and behold, shuffling out of the brush were two soldiers, one a german, the other a Russian. I knew for a fact that they were demons before they even were within eyeshot.


I popped up from behind my cover, taking aim and hitting the Russian in the chest three times. He didn't go down, however the German looked over, moving himself much faster now that he saw me. I tried to run, but I tripped over a rock, landing hard on my side.


As my body sent shock waves of pain throughout my system, amplified by the fatigue, I lazily turned around, loosing two shots, one of which hit the assailant in the neck, the other landing between his eyes. He fell to the ground, motionless. I regained my footing, and killed the slow Russian, firing two rounds into his skull.


The silence that ensued made my spine pickle, and I could feel every bead of sweat drip down my skin. As the adrenaline died down, I ripped my helmet off, and threw it on the ground, instead taking the German's three stick grenades, stuffing them in my belt. I ripped off two lemon grenades from the russian, and stowed those in my belt pouches, taking the PPSH from him and slinging it across my back. It had a half full drum, as well as two spares which were thankfully full.


The Russian had two cans of food on him as well as a full pan mag for a DP-28, which I kept as well. When I had everything I needed, I continued outside of the ruined city, away from the dense population, looking for any building I could use for shelter. I found that the more silence and darkness, the more I listened to my own footsteps crunching on the dirt road, my grip on the PPSH tightening with every step.

I increased my speed, jogging with the SMG in hand, still clutching it with all my strength. I shivered at ever noise, most likely imagining half of them anyway. My eyes bulged out of my skull, sweat sliding down from my scalp. I could feel, hear, smell, even see everything in the blackness.


I snapped my body to the right, firing as I saw two shapes on the ground. They were dead, of course, however I emptied the whole half clip, slamming another one in. That's when I saw the farmhouse. I let out a pant, moving to put my back to a tree, looking around for any threats, the adrenaline furiously pulsing through my being...

I struggled to keep my cool, twitching a bit. I felt my spine prickle, and a cold sweat started again. I used the adrenaline to roll out from my cover, sprinting over to the fence which surrounded the house, hitting the deck and placing my back to it, scanning the area behind me with my gun, then I popped up, leaping over the fence, silent save for the sound of my boots and gear, my breath coming in shallow, panicked bursts. I suddenly let loose a barrage of fire into the bushes, though nothing was there. I then put my back to the house wall, waiting for something to jump out at me.

I heard movement in the barn, pushing open the door and aiming my gun into the dark shall. I could barely see due to the darkness, but the cracks in the slats let in a little light from outside.


I let out a sigh of relief, and slowly moved into the dark, looking for a ladder, totally unaware of the others above me as I searched for a safe place to rest.



I awoke with a gasp of surprise, squirming around in my bindings. My throat was dry, and I was covered in sweat. I rolled around the corner, slamming into walls and furiously kicking anything I could get near. I had no idea who had tied me up, but I knew I would be tortured, killed or eaten.


I needed to find a way out, and as my head smacked against a pitchfork, it sent shock waves of pain reverberating throughout my body from my previous knockout wound. A loud crash sounded as the pitchfork hit a few metal buckets, and I ceased my thrashing, for now.

I immediately stopped, and straightened up. "Jawohl, Herr Feldwebel!" I answered, laying back and trying to get comfortable


I had no desire for being a prisoner, but I suppose it was better than being killed, eaten, or both. Or being taken prisoner by Russians. That would be the worst. Those Jew fucking piece of shits were all over the damn place.


I just hoped that I would be free when I awoke, perhaps strike a deal with this calm master sergeant.

I could never get out of these ropes no matter how much I tried,I struggled to get out of them time and time again but it was no use.

"I just want to see Helsa's face once more,but I cant even get out her photo." Sigh"It's no use." I mumbled to myself.

I see my rifle laying on the ground,it disgusted my to see how they treat a well made rifle.That rifle got me through the thick and thin,I have never used other rifle but that one,and to see it so close but so far was frustrating to me.

Karl was nudged by Hans, "Your turn at watch" Hans whispered


Karl stirs... "Damn, I was laying by the river back home in Berlinichgen, I could hear the water passing me as the sun beat down on my face. Oh how I miss Bavaria!"  Karl sits up rubbing his eyes. He grabs his Stg, takes a swig of water from his canteen and looks at Hans..."what... you didnt make coffee?" and smirks.

Hans shakes his head and walks away and finds some hay to lay down in. "just keep your eyes open my friend, Ill buy you some coffee when we get back to Berlin." Hans slumps down in some hay not too far from Marina. "Keep an eye on our new friends as well." Karl replies, "Ja ja ja, weve got monsters out there and unkowns in here.... what a predicament!" Karl walks over to the windows and checks the area.


It's a quiet evening... the moon is about a bit more than half full so there is some light but not enough to penetrate the woods off in the distance.


Karl looks back at the motley crew of individuals in the barn... shakes his head, "how did this all happen?" he says to himself.


He sees the russian soldier figiting. "Hey, Russian... get some sleep... youre going to need it." Karl walks over to were the Russians weapon in laying and picks it up. Karl finds some rounds for it and fills the internal magazine. He places it up against a crate close to the Russian. "you may need this later." Karl looks seriously at the soldier..."If there are more of those beasts out there, we may need every shooter available. I suggest we work together for now."

The Russian mumbles..."agreed, for now.."

"until then..." Karl states, "get some sleep" Karl looks over his shoulder and sees the Hitler Youth looking at him. Karl gets up and heads to him.


"why are you talking to that Russian swine and why isnt that female over there tied up??"  the Hitler Youth questioned.

"relax young one" Karl said sternly as he moved towards him. "if I untie you, can you remain calm? We may need some more trigger fingers if those mosters attack us again."

"Very well... but Im going to keep a close eye on them..." he says.

Karl unties the young one."Now get your ass to sleep, you look like hell!" Karl smirks.


Karl gets back up and patrols the barn again. Glancing outside then back again to the inhabitants of the barn.

Its getting late... everyone seems to be sleeping, exhaustion has set in. Every once and a while someone will move about but thats it. At times it seems too quiet. Karl nervously keep watch...

I wordlessly got up, still a bit jittery, and found my Luger nearby on a crate. I holstered it after checking the clip, and moved to retrieve my grenades, stowing them in my belt and for the lemon grenades, the proper pouches. With an exasperated sigh I slung my PPSH, and sauntered into the man annex, and opened my mouth in shock.


"What the fuck is this!?" I roared, pointing at the Russian girl, trying to keep my expression tough, just as training had stated. I examined her with my eyes, disgusted with myself for even thinking about her beauty. I shook these thoughts from my mind, and instead, looked to the man who had freed me for n explanation.

I have agreed to work together with the German soldiers when the time they need another shooter,but I still wanted to be untied.

I watched the SS Nazi get his weapons back in order. I heard him yell and point at my comrade,I started to chuckle.

"Its called a Russian soldier,now would you mind keeping your voice down before you attract any of those things here."

The SS looked at me furiously,but that only made me chuckle a bit more. 

I was finnaly untied,it felt good that I could use my hands again.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out a photo.

"Soon I'll see you again Helsa,oh so how I miss you." I though to myself.

I put the photo back in my pocket and went to sleep.

I angrily flipped her the bird, and patted my Luger, narrowing my eyes and giving her a grin as i lit myself a cigarette. I rose to my feet, and moved over to an unoccupied corner. I removed my coat, and bunched it up, making myself a habitable and warm area. I laid back, and busied myself with smoking, occasionally sneaking in a glance at the female Russian, quickly morphing my expression to anger as my conscience reminded me of her heritage. The Keik lovers were starting to get to me.


To take my mind off of her, the Jews, the Russians, and the other monsters, I drank a little more of my water, and ate some bread, wondering when I would return to my home.


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am

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