Wicked Zombies


Zombies shouldn't be able to run...Why is media obsessed with fast zombies?  Too me if your body is decaying than you shouldn't be able to run too fast... VOICE OFF PEOPLE!

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the directors who make fast zombie movies are looking to sell a product is all. i agree that something rotting from the inside out shouldn't be able to move like lightening. but it does sell a scary thought.

"What would you do when confronted with a flesh eating, running corps?"

but the reality is when it all comes down to it. we will face a hoard of stinky, rotten, shamblers looking to eat us.

reason being the whole decomposing process. it starts at the time of death with rigor mortis. rigor starts at the brain. then goes to the internal organs. then settles into the limbs. so when it comes down to it. we will be facing a corps with a taste for human flesh and a full body muscle cramp. no way in hell that is gonna run. lol.

this was proven by a french doctor in the days of the renesance period. after a french noble was beheaded. he picked the head up out the bucket it fell into. started talking to the head. and to the suprize of the crowd. the head opened its eyes and tried to talk back to the man then 5 minutes later died. now riddle me this. was it just a case of the brain being alive shortly after death? or was it a starting case of zombieism starting to happen.
the future is not set. who knows what we will face in the end.

Probably all depends on the type of Zombie. I can see the "rage virus" types able to run at first. The ones that are the living, becoming infected, dieing, then coming back to life may be a differant story. Rigor mortis, in humans commences  about 3 hours after death, reaches maximum stiffness after 12 hours, and gradually dissipates until approximately 72 hours after death. In this case, the undead may be able to move freely for a while until RM begins to set in. Then I believe as it sets, movement will slow down and possibly even stop in certain situations. This could give us "paralized" Z's that are somewhat "cohereant"(ie they can see possibly) but cant really move until RM breaks out. I like to call those... easy targets!

Then after RM is freed up, of course comes the stage of decay that they are in. Less "available" muscle tissue will mean less movement.

Either way.... lock and load people!

i have to agree with Cobra Komander here. Rigor Moris will be the deciding factor here. Then there is the decomposing factor. These will be our "ace in the hole" for survival.
This debate always comes down to one factor, cause. Super natural, or a contagion, or radiation of some kind, etc these reasons will surely be what decides the zombie type. We can debate all kinds of motor skills really. Can they talk or reason. Do they digest or just consume only to spread thru biting their victims, etc. I prefer Romero rules, but it's not like he created them ya know.  Zombies will be more like 28 Days and Zombieland if we are going by what we currently know of science. They surely won't be "walking dead" cause then it's all bets off. Fuckin fly as far as we know at that point. Might as well prepare for the worst. If they have the ability to work together even in the smallest manor we will have an almost unbeatable force agaisnt us. I pray to whatever that the zombies know about Romero rules and follow them accordingly.

I always liked Z.A. Recht's zombies in his "Plague" novels. It originated as a virus, so the Zs remained alive, and were able to run. They could be killed like normal people, but if not shot in the head, they come back undead and can only die from headshot. It was awesome because he described attacks on fortified positions and when the runners were done and everyone thought it was over, wave after wave of slower undead would begin their attack.

Ya, great great story.  RIP Z.A. Recht!
I wonder if the zombies are really hungry or if they just eat to eat?
with all their internal organs not working anymore. i would say that a zombie eats just to eat. its like someone flipped a switch to eat and didnt reverse it. so they basically eat till they rot into nothingness.
If zombies can run, but never get tired, doesn't that make it near impossible to survive an apocalypse.  The running zombie gives the human race a very slim chance of survival.




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