Wicked Zombies


I watch the news on tv. I see the news papers everyday. You see the same old thing every time you turn around. Man finding ways to be sick in every way to his fellow man. The last few mornings i woke up. I asked myself the same question that i now ask all of you.


I am begining to feel that when the dead rise that we should all meet up in the Mountain Sektor, stay to ourselves, and say "to hell with the human race" all together. Forget about re-education. Forget about saving those around us. Just meet up on the road to the Mountain Sektor and raid for supplies as we need them. Let our group be the ones to keep humanity going and let the rest be zombie chow!

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This is very true,but humanity deserves to be saved,we need each other to survive.It is a very complex thing to explain but if we just shielded ourselves from the rest of humanity and tell everyone that comes by use to just fuck off,well then we would not be honorable Komradz,we would be unhonorable savages.
like Rhino, i see the news in both the daily paper and tv. i see all the death, destruction, and all the disguesting acts the human race can concieve. i to tend to have my doubts. but on the flip side of the coin, i see my children. i learn from him what i need to survive just to give my daughters a chance to live and make a positive change in the world as it is and the upcoming z-war to follow. i try to make them as strong as i can to show Rhino that we are not a wash as a spieces. maybe by the time this discussion is played out, we can all show him that man kind is worth saving. don't give up old man. don't give up.
i understand what you are saying. but understand what i am saying. as i look around this world around me. i see nothing but people fucking people over in every dispicable way possible and needless to say i am loosing faith not in my komradz but in the rest of the human race. i still like working for the greater good don't get me wrong. but a part of me still feels we ma be wasting our well needed time on humans who just don't appreciate what we do for them and would stick us in the back in the same act. and as far as the "Mt. Sektor" goes. all because one was lost does not mean we can't still proceed with that very same plan. we just do it with one less as much as it saddens me to say that. the man may be gone but that does not mean the dream is to. and a dream can be made a reality if you work hard enough for it.
Totaly understand you Rhino. Humanity as a whole is horrid! But, in the same breath, there are many good people out there, wether they are Komrdaz or not. After the apocalypse occurs, there will be trials and tribulations of everones will, some will become demons and continue the spurge of humanity's dark side, some will become angles emerging from the darkness. I myself, dont know what catagory I would fit into during the time of Z's. Probably somewhere in the middle.
i take it you are seeing what i am seeing now?
The end of the world will have a tendancy to change us all. For better or worse I don't know, but we will change. I think weir all worth saving.
Rhino, you are beginning to sound like the people in government who say,"Allow the people to die; lets save ourselves and let the people suffer." The people may be undereducated and greedy, but those who deserve to die will die anyway. Let us focus on regulating our resources in order to keep the pure and innocent alive.
Well said the Komradz will protect the people and prevail.
no friend. i dont agree with the government. what is happening is i am losing faith in humans. i see the news, the papers, hear the radios, and wonder "Is Humanity Worth Saving?" and i just dont know anymore. do i trust in my komradz? yes. without a doubt. but the rest of the world is where i tend to fall short on at times. i tend to doubt there is such a thing as a "pure" or "innocent" person left in the world. hell, even kids are commiting as gross an act of murder as the adults. so as a result i ask the magic question. Is Humanity Worth Saving? if my komradz deem them worth saving then i shall follow them to the bowels of hell if things go that far to do so. but in the back of my mind i will always doubt humanity and its being worthy of saving.


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am

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