Wicked Zombies


The KOMRADZ are for the people. We will sacrifice our lives to ensure the survival of the human race after a undead apocalyse. However, we will punish those who go up against us and our Kause. Traitors will be severely punished. How will we punish traitors and those who try to stop us?

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The Breast Ripper looks painful.

Medieval Torture
When a woman slept with a man, who wasn't his husband, she could either continue doing it until someone found out; or she could be sentenced to "The Breast Ripper."

Consisting on ripping a woman's breasts, this torture very often caused infections and death within a few months. If the woman was lucky enough to survive, she would never be the same.

This torture was widely used in the Dark Ages and, mainly, in the inquisition.

if you think this one is a real nasty toy, try this one. it is called THE PEAR. it was used on both men and women alike. they would cram this sucker in every place below the waist and open it up to the max. when done (if you lived through it) the average person died days or even weeks later due to a ruptured bowel or a nasty infection. infections were due to the fact that they seldom ever washed the tools after each use. even though it was used mostly below the waistline, they even used this nasty toy on a persons mouth as a punishment for letting ones mouth get them into trouble. once there, it would dislocate the jaw and in some cases even break it. it would even destroy dental work. often killing due to nasty oral infections. again, slight case of not cleaning the tools after use. the middle ages were good for this kind of thing.

#1. Spiked barrel. Put idiot into a barrel with spikes on the inside. Lay barrel on side.
Roll it down hill.
#2. Iron Maiden. Not the rock group but the device in shape of a woman filled with spikes.
Throw traitor inside and slam door shut!! If lucky, Ass-hole will last for a few days before dying.
#3. Drawn and Quartered. Lay idiot down in cross roads. Tie a limb to a horse [ each horse pointing to different compass point]. Slap horses on rumps. No more traitor.
#4.Wicker Man. Pagan form of punishment. Build giant man out of wicker or some other wood product.
Pile lots of wood at feet of Wicker Man. Put Traitor in side Wicker man in cell built into chest cavity.
Light fire to wood at Wicker Mans feet.
Go for a beer while ass-hole gets his reward.
#5. Impaling. Long or short stick. Your choice.
If dumb-ass was truly stupid, use long stick. Get stick about 7ft long and put in ground. With only 5-6 ft showing. Put traitor on stick with it getting shoved up his ass. Let him slide on down.
If lucky, stake will go all the way through and death is quick. Or stake will catch on ribs and you torment him for days until death comes.
Now if he was a traitor supreme, use a short stake. With only 4ft showing, put Traitor on stake same way as long stake. Let him slide until his feet touch the ground. Top end of stake will be located behind his sturnum or rib cage.. This method is extremely painful and dumb-ass could last as long as a week!!! Bring lawn chairs and beer when attending this form of execution.
in my opinion. once a traitor is found, we need to find out if they were working with someone or alone. in order to do this, i say a firm, tough, and round the clock torture. then when all is said and done. execute them all at once or if working alone, they die alone.

riddle me this. in the general discussions, there is a thread about what should be done to a fellow Komrad should they turn traitor. in this thread "Traitors of the State" we give all sorts of evil and greusom examples of things to do to a traitor. when i voiced what i thought should be done to a traitor that followed these posts, i got a booing that was unbelievable. now my question is this. what is the differance between a traitor of the state and a komrad turned traitor? are they both one in the same? why torture the one idiot traitor most greusomly while the komrad traitor got to choose his demise? should it not be the same across the board so all is fair? i mean is it not part of what we are fighting for to make all equal right down to the punishments handed out? it don't sound very equal to me to be torturing one shmuck to death yet let another choose their end and they both commit the same crime. could someone please clearify this for me?
normally i would agree but there will come a time when it will be needed to find information from a traitor. it wont be pretty. its not a welcome idea. but none the less maybe needed.
Rhino. brother. master. you have let your disdane for the human race cloud your thoughts and harden your heart. you once taught me that torture is a brutish act and a last resort of a despirate man. i would like to think that we as people can stand taller then that. listen to your friends. listen to me. they speak the truth here. i speak the truth as well. i don't know what pain fuels you now brother but believe me. torture is just not the answer. was it not you who told me it takes a stronger man to build and rebuild then to destroy that around him? even when you teach me on weapons a sword skills, i sence the conflict in you. let go of that pain and anger. cage the animal once more.
okay. here is my answers in the order you asked.

Q: who decides torture?
A: those komradz whom we choose to lead us.

Q: Just you Rhino?
A: No, the komradz we choose to lead us decides who and when to use it.

Q: We are all scared of you?
A: It ain't me that the traitors need to fear. Its the wrath of all komradz when the act of treason should cost needless lives and everyone is screaming for the 3B's. (Blood, Brains, & Balls)

Q: What if we decide you are not a part of the "Greater Good"?
A: I take my orders from Komrad Venessa. So if she she says so. i am sure she will ask me to step down and leave the Komradz.

Q: That your idea of torture is "Old School" and we don't need that in our new society?
A: Ask this one again when some JACKWAGON betrays us and it costs the life of a loved one like a son, daughter, husband, or wife. will you be so "pacifist" then or will you wanna break their ass in half on "The Rack"? Don't answer all at once. Think on it.

Q: Do we try to "Re-Educate" you? Or do we ask you to leave the group?
A: See section #4

Well. These are my thoughts in that order. Anymore questions????
then so be it. we shall see. but i still think if a traitor should show its head, cost innocent lives, and threaten us all. you will find that the reality of human nature to be an eye opener for you. its always been human nature to shed the blood of the one whom sheds the blood of loved ones. and keep in mind traitors and spys NEVER work alone. they always have numbers no less then two. so when the traitor or spy is caught be it before or after the loss of life (pray god it be before). do you think he will feel "sorry" for his acts if we only tell them we will only throw them out to the wilderness and give up his cohoarts by use of "pacive" ways? or will he die in the wilderness by the zombies with the names in their mouths and never tell only to find them one at a time and lose many good komradz as a result of these "pacive" ways? or be willing to do what will in all likeyhood need to be done to not only protect komrad lives but any we save? again, we shall see.
i trust my komradz brother. i trust my komradz.
Torture is a waste of time.



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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am

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