Wicked Zombies


When we are in the apocalyptic world and we have a traitor who has been with the Komradz for a long time and has been great at it.I believe that they should deserve an honorable exaction than just being put into the pit or tourchered.
I have a list of honorable exactions that I want all Komradz to vote on and have a honorable exaction for the Komrad that desevers it.
1: A bushido style exaction,a Japanese Samurai exaction where they are stabbed in the gut and then have the head cut off.
2: Firing Squad,we all know what that is.
3: Old school decapitation, they are forced to bend down and extend their neck as the exactioner take a sword or machete and cuts off there head.

last one

4: They choose themselves,personally I believe this is the most honorable way(but not my fav.) because the will choose how they will be exacted and die the way they want to.

Remember you can only vote once.

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i agree with you when it comes to torture to find out info on potential partners in crime. traitors are like roaches. if you dont get them all, they just come back in leaps and bounds. but i still feel that once all is said and done, justice must be swiftly done and uniform across the board. if you betray then you die greusome. no choices. no second chances. just dead. and nothing makes a statement better then a pit full of zombies. its not reacting with anger but being fare. and being a komrad makes it that much more important. we as komradz dont put ourselves above the common man. we are right there with him. and as such should be held acountable for what we do just as much if not more so. we are the example of the best of the best. and by serving the same sentence as the common man when we scew up proves we are true to our word. if i were to betray the komradz, i would expect no more for myself if caught then if it were one of the people we saved. i believe by doing this very thing that we do make and preserve our reputation among both alies and enemies for being not only fair but also dealing with things like treason in a swift and deadly action and that we not only practice disipline and law. but make these things equal and fare no matter where in the ranks you fall be you komrad or common man.
Whilst I agree that a pit full of the moaning undead is great fun in Hollywood-land, the practical, moral and political toll would be disastrous if applied in a PAW.
The fear it would bring from one's enemies would not breed respect, but hatred, and being hated attracts more enemies. The last thing you need when fighting for survival or attempting to build a new community is to have more people hate you than necessary. Furthermore, such barbarism wouldn't breed respect from one's allies, but fear, and if your allies fear you then they have no reason not to try and destroy you should they have the opportunity.
In battle, all enemies should be destroyed, all bodies should be incinerated on the battlefield, with no-one and nothing to bring back to camp but the spoils. Should the "common man" contradict our beliefs after being taken in by us then, with him not being privvy to the komradz machinations, simple banishment could be the answer. We are here to teach but should someone not wish to be educated then they forsake the protection of the komradz. Simple.
Political prisoners, however, should be dealt with differently and in a manner befitting a sentient community. In this case a method of execution is needed that shows respect to other's ideals but also unwavering strength and belief in our own.
Think of this, if we are willing to take the life of a former komrad with our own hands, instead of just kicking him in to a pit and watching him die from a distance, then the message that this puts across is very powerful indeed.
Again, it's all down to politics.
The practical point is easier to make- Why spend precious time and resources digging a pit to house a few zeds? If you need to dig a hole, dig a well, or a moat or a fire pit. Or use the time to build mills, forges, garages...
Don't you think having a pit filled with rotting meat anywhere near a living area is impractical and dangerous? The stench would be unbearable, the chance of bacterial infection would be huge, and the sound would not only drive the whole encampment insane but could potentially attract a constant stream of zeds from miles around!
Besides, what sort of army would you be able to amass if they all believed that you cared so little for their well-being that you had them sleep within a hundred yards of their greatest fear.
Of course, you could move the pit further away but then you risk getting caught out in the open. What would be the point?
Morally speaking, if you or your men are willing to push a man into a pit of zombies to suffer a slow, agonising death whilst listening to his pleas for mercy followed by his screams of agony, then that shows a heavy undercurrent of sadism.
Sadism is a hunger that needs feeding.
With this in mind, how long do you think it would it be before your Chief Executioner starts throwing in the innocent while nobody's watching, just for kicks. And while he's happy descending this decadent slope, what else would follow? False accusations followed by execution? Needless torture? Rape? Murder?
Maybe, maybe not, but either way, your community will either all be horrified by your actions, or a few will revel in it. And if that happens then you'll be labelled a dictator, not only by your enemies but by your own people too. This will cause constant dissent within your forces and civilians until, guaranteed, at some point somebody takes you down.
Exactly Komrad!
The End of The World as We Know It would give the survivors a poignant but perfect opportunity to learn from past mistakes and to evolve above and beyond the continuation of the moral depravity that would've inevitably led us to destroy each other and ourselves.
It's easy to act lawlessly in a lawless world, but to guide, teach and nurture takes a vast amount of effort.
Unfortunately this effort will be occasonally undermined to one extent or another, and in the interests of a safe and secure future these aggressors must be dealt with.
But even if the end result is death, which in the beginning will be the only universal language, the means by which it is inflicted must still be in keeping with the laws and ethics laid down by a conscientious authority. That's the only way the community will feel safe, and the feeling of safety would be the most valuable commodity one could offer, this in turn would command respect and loyalty.
It's all about maintaining order for the sake of the people.
You can only maintain order temporarily with fear, but for a lifetime with loyalty.
My use of the word torture was inappropriate as it implies the same sadism that would destroy a healthy, flourishing society. Interrogation would have been a better choice of word and it's unfortunately this that would have to be employed should there be the remotest possibility that the safety of the Komradz had been compromised in any way.
After time this sort of action should no longer be required, so to implement it at the beginning should rescind the need for it later.
cant "interrogation" be the same thing as torture if applied right? i mean i admit that the yellow pages of a phone book are not "The Rack" or "The Iron Maiden" but when used right can get a lot of answers and i dont mean looking up Domino's Pizza.



I like number three and thus that's where my vote shall go but...

I also think that there should have been a (sorry for stealing this from judge dread) a long walk death, where in the Komrad in question gets one rifle a limited number of ammo and is then outcasted and sent off into the world on their own. It leaves your Karma open cause you didnt have a hand in their death but did at the same time....and hell who's to say a Komrad sniper won't pick them off after the first 20 meters
Lol. Yeah, those snipers are a cheeky bunch.
It's all fun and games until someone gets a bullet in the eye!
i am thinking about the Judge Dread style ending. i like that. just dont give them a rifle. give them a melee weapon. then send them on their way.
in·ter·ro·gate (n-tr-gt)
tr.v. in·ter·ro·gat·ed, in·ter·ro·gat·ing, in·ter·ro·gates
1. To examine by questioning formally or officially.

tor·ture (tôrchr)
a. Infliction of severe physical pain as a means of punishment or coercion.
b. An instrument or a method for inflicting such pain.
2. Excruciating physical or mental pain; agony: the torture of waiting in suspense.
3. Something causing severe pain or anguish.
tr.v. tor·tured, tor·tur·ing, tor·tures
1. To subject (a person or an animal) to torture.
2. To bring great physical or mental pain upon (another). See Synonyms at afflict.
3. To twist or turn abnormally; distort:

Despite the very different definitions there can be a fine line between interrogation and torture. The first implies the extraction of information, whether by psychologcal manipulation all the way to more extreme methods. But the underlying reason being to receive answers to pertinent questions.
Torture, however is largely the infliction of extreme mental or physical pain whether to extract information, or for shits and giggles.
One would be justifiable to the majority and one would not. They are very different from a political and moral standpoint.
okay. so you managed to talk me out of the zombie pits. but i still think the yellow pages work wonders when convincing to come clean. 2 good thumps from ma bell's book and they will rat out St. Jerome everytime. then give them the Judge Dread treatment. just dont waste a good gun on the condemed. give them the melee weapon instead. never waste a good gun on a death walk.
never waste good steel when you can give them a wooden club. wood will be all over the place and give them a 50% shot at making it. steel will be more valuable then gold during z-day.
I'm just giving them an honorable way to die.


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