Wicked Zombies


What will motivate you personally during the zombie apocalyspe and I mean what motivates YOU not others because in the end you gotta be selfish during Zpoc

I really have no motivation now that I think about meh oh well

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what will motivate me will be the will to survive and help others do the same. i cant help but disagree with you on one point. the point where you said you have to be selfish in the end. we as people will be faced with the selfishness of humanity as it is, why be like them? they will be the ones in the end turned into zombies or eaten to the bone by them because of their greed and selfishness. their own greed and selfishness will compell them to steal money that in the end will be useless to them. they will risk their lives and even kill innocent people just to steal gold and silver that in the end will have no market. and in doing so will eventually get themselves killed. maybe even take a few hundred with them along the way. so i ask again brother. why be like them? why not do what you can to improve the situation you are in by saving lives. the more ears and eyes you have, the more chances you have to make it through this alive. least thats how i look at it. thats why i would be motivated to stay alive and help others do the same. i would want to live. not to mention being a komrad because once we won, we would reform the world to a place where all are equal and free. another big motivator.
A true Komrad speaks. Amen.
I would want to save my family and be there to see my children grow up. With out them my life would not be worth living and the Zombie could called me dinner!
I one-million percent agree with RJ. There is no way I can be selfish cuz I have 4 children to look after and they mean everything to me more than life itself. I would do everything in my power to protect them and my family and friends. In the event of a ZA I would fear the living more than the dead because they have the power of thought, and that IMO is more dangerous than any weapon. I wouldnt think twice about killing any live person if they posed a threat to me and my family.
RJ, Bota, good motivations. my hat is off to you and i salute you both. i, myself dont have children but my feelings on them if i did would be the same. that is why mine would be to survive and to help others do the same.
My Motivation is the fact that I refuse to be ZOMBIE food. I would do my best to protect my Loved ones and make sure they are safe. If everyone is Dead or Undead I am unsure I could find the Motivation to go on alone.
I have a small family and their safety would be my first concern. My next priority would be the state of mankind. Who and how many are left? How will we communicate and help each other? I would hate to see the world reduced to 'every man for himself' or for just his immediate family's security. What if you live alone? I have seen, with my own eyes, people rally and stick togather in a time of great crisis. I want to believe that we can help each other in the event of an outbreak. I would personally feel obligated to help anyone who crosses my path. That should be all the motivation I would need.

This may make me sound kinda like a dick but i just dont want to die. I'm terrified not so much of death itself, but more of whats to come after, or the lack there of. frankly if i was more of a religious man i could take comfort in the thought of an after life. i want to believe in it, but i just can't help the skeptic side of myself. even i was to be condemned to hell i would still prefer it over the idea of just disappearing. everything i am ending. even if i do sometimes go to a dark place where i wish for just that in truth i want to keep on living as much as i can. just cause vanish is scary. and thats the truth i will do what ever i have to do, who i have to kill, jut to get a few more seconds.


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am

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