Wicked Zombies


Title says it all, kids.  What is it about them that makes you break into a cold sweat?

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For me, it's about fragility of our society and economic system.  If there were a viral outbreak that created zombies it would wreck havoc on our world to such an extent that even if I didn't have to face off with a zombie, it would still bring society to its knees and the cascade would be unimaginable.

As far as one-on-one with a zombie, it depends on if they're slow or fast.  Fast ones, forget it.  I'd run like greased lightening to get away.  A slow one, I'd still probably run unless it threatened my family.

its not the stinkers themselves that scares me. i can deal with them be they runners or slow. its the humans that tend to make me worry. zombies are basic. they just walk or run eat and rot. very basic and very predictable. but humans are a whole new ballgame. humans when faced with a catastrophic event that collapses the world around them will sell their own grandmother down the drain just to survive. they will lie, cheat, and steal from anyone and everyone. no sense of honor. you wont know who to trust even if you have known them for years or are related to them. so i would have to say that humanity is the thing i would fear the most. not the zombies.

I guess how much of me is left when I turn

Scientist will tell you our biggest problem is not Bird Flu - it is Humans - especially stupid humans. Instead of a desolate wasteland, the Apocalypse will look like the day after Thanksgiving at the mall. Which is exactly what most zombie movies look like: hordes of other goddamn people mindlessly swarming everywhere. Hordes of Zombies are scary!

which is different now because....?

oh yeah... i just can't shoot people because they smell bad and are incoherent, haha.


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Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on June 26, 2023 at 1:00am

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