Wicked Zombies


Brendon waited a little while to make sure nobody else had anything to say. He decided he would leave the chat room open just in case anyone needed to say anything further before they left. He checked his list of online friends one more time and saw that his daughter's mother Leslie was still not online. She lived farther north than him in an area that had more infected people. He opened his phone back up and tried calling her again but the lines were all still tied up. He was pretty worried about her, he still considered her to be family in a sense. He checked his friends list and saw that Griffin was still logged in, he lived a lot closer to Leslie and the two used to talk while Brendon was overseas.

CavalryRecon242: Griff I need to talk to you

Griffin1865: Whats up man?

CavalryRecon242: You remember where Leslie's apartment is right?

Griffin1865: Yeah, we only stopped by there once but I think I remember which one it is

CavalryRecon242: What would I have to do to talk you guys into picking her up? I haven't been able to reach her to know how she is

Griffin1865: James doesn't sound too thrilled, there are a lot of people we'd like to pick up if we could

Griffin1865: I thought things were tense between you two anyways

CavalryRecon242: I have a kid with her man, I know you can't quite understand that yet, but we've been through a lot and I just want her to be safe even if we drive each other crazy sometimes.

Griffin1865: We'll swing by her place. No promises, you know how things are in that part of town, but we'll try.

CavalryRecon242: Thanks man, I'll see you at Wiggins'

Griffin1865: See you there

CavalryRecon242: Out here

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Going through a lot


   Well, wanted to juststop in and check on things...Been a long time since I have stopped by...Well things are not going as well as I would have hoped, but, you know, that's life...

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Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on June 26, 2023 at 1:00am

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