Wicked Zombies


Just something I thought I would throw this out there...I'm in the process of writing a book. This isn't your typical zombie outbreak book in which the idiot characters don't know what is happening.
This is an adventure of a prepper who believed in the Zombie Apocalypse, prepped for the Z-poc and now has to face the separation of him and his family with miles between them...With his parents and siblings only 30 miles from him and his wife and kids over 1300 miles away, does he choose who to save??? Does he try to save them all??? Can he save them all?? Or does saving one mean losing the other??...

So would you guys want to read something like this?? Where the harshness and brashness of the main character can damn near make you hate him??  Until he is faced with some really heart wrenching situations involving his mentally handicapped Brother and Nephew...Would you like to read something like this??

Let me know what you think...Damn thing isn't finished yet and of course it still hasn't got a title yet....

   But seeing if anyone would read a story like this is a good way to see if I should continue the way it is, or go back and begin changing everything around and turn the main character into some emotional, guilt ridden, dumbass who has no idea what the hell a zombie is...(LOL)

   Even if you wouldn't like to read something like that, tuff I'm still writing it...(ROFLMAO)...Just kidding...

   Now seriously, let me know what you think...



(P.S.) It's a work in progress so it may take me awhile to get it fully edited and out for the public to read...But once that has happened, a few of you will be chosen to receive a copy of it and you will have to post a review of the book here and possibly on Amazon as well...But more on that when it's finished.....

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hey, serzhant, i'm writing CONSTANTLY, haha.  it's just no one's reading.

We are reading just slow on the responses. 

People will want to read it, so write it.  Knock'em dead, Jessie.

I'm writing, it's going kind of slow. I've hit a block. So I'm going to go back and read what I have and am going to see what happens...

   And I'm trying to knock them dead....(L) 

chant "think about the book" to yourself. let me help.




   I'll get there...The conflict between the main character and his talk with God will definitely set some people off and the way his view of certain women in his life will most likely piss off some of the women...

   Anyways, back to writing....Later guys....

why limit yourself?  go for the exalted elite and find ways to piss of EVERYONE.

It looks like he'll be pissing off a lot of people within the first chapter...Looks like hell is breaking....

My kind of character. Lol.

I certainly read a book like yours, I am glad I am not the only one from here who is writing a book, I just started last summer, I don't have time actually ... but so far I have written a quarter of the book . I can't wait for your book, good luck ;)

Make sure to post your Wicked writing as well Komrad! 

Little inserts will help in building the wanted anticipation for your book....


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am

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