Wicked Zombies


What did you think about The Walking Dead episode?

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LMAO! Guilty as charged. The plot line sounds good to.

Hell I've been into MILF's for a long time...SO just call me Perv Shiny....(LOL)

okay Mr. Perv Shiny. lol

Dark, dark, dark.  We discussed it at length at my house.  

My only concern was that this is an episode that might make some viewers walk away from the show.  I'm not.  

One member said that the death of the children might make viewers walk away. Well, there is a precedent to this. I'm a huge fan of the new Galactica. And one person I know stopped watching twenty minutes into the first episode of the miniseries because Caprica 6 snaps an infants neck. Now this is one childs death I argued, but what about all the children about to die in the coming nuclear holocaust?  No, she replied. I won't see them so it doesn't matter. DOESN'T Matter? One doesn't even see the infant die, there's an off camera snap and the mothers reaction. That's it. I'm amazed by how some people can fixate on one little thing. Same with the Walking Dead. If this brilliant episode drives viewers away, I have to ask them: How many children do they think died during the Zombie apocalypse? Here's one quick tally. Rick 2, Zombie children 0. They should also remember that it's a show. A brilliantly written and acted show. In fact my three favorite cable shows of the past ten years are Spartacus, The Walking Dead, Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones (although I find the books tedious).

I understand where you are coming from being I to know people like this. But being this show has a rather hard core following. I dont see that happening anytime soon. Reason being if that were to happen. It would have happened when Michone ran her sword through the skull of the Governor's daughter. and that was way more graphic then what happened in this last episode. And way more graphic then what happened to the infant in Battlestar Galactica. There is just way to broad a fan base for the ratings to drop over a kid being killed in it. Plus it would have happened when Rick had to shoot Sophia as you well pointed out. No. I think if anything. The viewers will stay with it just as strong as ever clear up until they run out of material for them to write or they quit making the comics to use for a writing basis. Either way. I feel the fans like all of us will be there for the long haul no matter how much it yanks at the old heart strings.

A very tense and moving episode. One of the most unforgettable of the series.

If anyone leaves because of the death of Lizzie, then they need to go back to episode one and watch Rick blast that little girl...Or go back and watch Dawn of the dead, (The Original) where they're refueling the helicopter and the zombie kids get shot there...Or hell, even go back to Night of the Living Dead, (the original), where the little girl is shot in the basement...

   SO if someone quits watching because of the death of a child, who you can tell had lost grip on reality, then they need to take the advice of Carol and Mika, "LOOK AT THE FLOWERS" while someone puts a bullet in their head...

   Now to clear something up with those that have not read the comics, which you can actually find on KICKASS TORRENTS.COM, Lizzie and Mika took the place of the brothers in the comic books...WHere one brother kills the other and though it's been a while since I read that particular comic, I think they killed him also....They just added a few twists to follow along a short story line in which they had to show how different kinds of children of different ages would try and handle the Z-poc...Not just Carl's view...I just can't wait till that little bastard finally gets his eye shot the fuck out....Ooops, did I say that....

   Anyways, the war has yet to begin, so keep watching....(LOL)


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am

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