Wicked Zombies


My is a hatchet not only cause im all about the hatchet love but also cause i want to get close to the zombies so i can see the look in their face when i hit them in the brains when my hatchet..i know its going to make a bloody mess and well im all about my bloody wonderland..hehehe i think using a hatchet is a personal kill and i am going to kill them all cause i am the Goddess of zombie killing .... so tell me what weapon and why plz.....

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Here is a zombie killing kit for you saint...

oddly close to what i already have, just kidding i wish i had all this sweet killing loot!

i have more than that...  haha

   Well lets start with what is in this pic, which isn't everything. As of right now, I am working on getting my carrying permit so I will always have a gun strapped to my right thigh. That will be a 9mm in a tactical drop leg holster. Which I don't have, but will get.

   Next is my Mossberg 715 AR style .22 assault tactical rifle. (Right now I am working on getting the damn magazines fix, because the magazines for the damn thing are shit. But with a little work they should be ready for testing and battle ready.)

   (Not pictured here is the pretty CQC red dot sight that was given to me by my wife's best friend last year for Christmas.) Behind it is my assault tactical quick draw battle vest. 


   Next, you will see a group of weapons. One I just took a simple idea and converted it into my style of killing weapon. Can you pick it out? ;)

   Also within this group is my 20 gauge pump action, 6 shot shotgun. Only thing that I am adding to it will be simple flashlight.

   Next is a 25 pound sledge hammer handle which is in the process of being redesigned in or to make it a more effective killing machine. I haven't figured out what I want to do to it just yet, but still in its current form can split a coconut.

   Next is my two handed Katana style machete made by cold steel. (R.I.P. Rhino)

   Next you see is the hunting knife and mag flashlight. Yes I do call the flashlight a weapon, because I have seen these things split a man's skull and with enough force I'm sure it could kill a single zombie. As for the hunting knife, we all know a thrust from it can kill the undead.

   Next you will see my M-48 Tomahawk. ENOUGH SAID...

   Then of course there is the modded aluminum baseball bat. I took a grinder and split the top of the bat and inserted a steel circular saw blade. Which the bat is still under construction, needs a bolt to secure the blade. 

   Now I only make or buy things that I really like and that would make the best killing weapons for a Z-poc, so to pick one as my favorite, is hard. 

   So if I have to pick, I will most likely take my .22 assault rifle to reach out and touch someone. My hunting knife and M-48 tomahawk for up close and personal and my bat (The Rapture) and shotgun for short range.

   But again, as for my all time favorite, would most likely be my M-48 Tomahawk....

nice to see the almost finished ripper, and i love everything in these pictures so very awesome. i'd hate to be the burglar that breaks into your home.

First thing they are getting welcomed with is the shotgun...It stays loaded with three shots...Am I scared that my 10 year old will blow his face of with it...HELL NO...I took him shooting the other weekend and let him fire it...The 20 guage kicked that little boys butt...He handed me back the gun and said it hates shotguns if they all kick like that...So he hasn't looked or even wanted to shoot again...Plus two my kids know firearms of any kind aren't toys....But lets say there's more then 3 or 4 coming through the door, the first three will be dead, cause I aim for heads and the fourth should have a change of heart real quick, if not, Rapture will handle him...

(EVIL LAUGH) No knocks on my door or even talks to me hardly since I bought that shotgun...

the family the shoots together stays together.

I am really impressed with your ingenuity. Komradz Ready To Kill!

" Then of course there is the modded aluminum baseball bat. I took a grinder and split the top of the bat and inserted a steel circular saw blade. Which the bat is still under construction, needs a bolt to secure the blade. "

On Zombease, they had a weapon called the Ripper...I think it was a 2X4 split down the center and a saw blade bolted into place and then the handle shaved down...Then I also saw a video somewhere of someone using a wooden bat and placing the blade in the middle of the meat of the bat. So I decided to mod the bat to fit what I wanted...And aluminum baseball bat with the saw blade closer to the top of the bat. This way, not only do I get a slicing swing, but I can get a clubbing kill shot in the same swing...

   So youtube and Zombease kind of inspired me with combining their two ideas...Took awhile to find the right bat, but I found one...

I've been wanting to do this with one of those concrete cutting saw blades but just haven't found a good bat.

Actually, check out the little league aluminum bats...They're actually better...That's what I used...They're very light and can be used with one hand....

yeah thats what i used for my judge baseball bat full of nails, i just bats are expensive you buy them new i've been looking around garage sales and flee markets for a good used one i could get for like a dollar.


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   Well, wanted to juststop in and check on things...Been a long time since I have stopped by...Well things are not going as well as I would have hoped, but, you know, that's life...

   Some good things are my son, has turned 18 and has also graduated high school...I'm very proud of him...He has plans of going back to school after the getting a job and saving money for the school with the music production studies he wants to do...So I am very proud of…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on June 26, 2023 at 1:00am

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