Wicked Zombies



so while researching for my zombie hunter con costume i fell in love with post apocalyptic cosplay. everything from fallout props to original works. it's just such a cool look and you can do anything with it. it requires little money if you know how to scavenge and helps prepare all of us for what it's gonna be like after they rise. i felt wickedzombies was a good place to bring this to help expand the site. so with all that in mind I'm going to be posting cool stuff i make and design here. and if you catch the bug or maybe if you already have it then i welcome you to post your stuff here too.

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i though the lower part of my costume needed a little something else so using an extra piece of the bike tire that i used on the butt of my rifle i made this knee pad.

i just took a cheap harbor freight knee pad and cut and riveted the tire over the existing ugly plastic knee cap. then i added two belts as straps since the ones it came with where to short for my leg. its not distressed yet but i think it came out pretty cool.

that looks sweet bro.

Thanks man

so i got a good gift pack in the mail today both my rifle battery charger and the four pack of toy grenades i bought. so while i wait for the battery to charge up so i can play with my rifle i thought id talk about the grenades. now i bought these on a whim i thought they would be a cool addition to my costume. i plan to wear them on my waist in pouches made from tin cans.

so i got a little pros and cons with them that ill go over. first the pros they all arrived intact and working. they battery powered and when you pull the pin out and push the lever they tic for a few seconds and then make an exploding sound. to really accurate but cool none the less.

now the cons two of them came painted silver instead of the od greed like in the picture on amazon. and they have little red led's on the top that blink when you activate them. i didn't see that when i looked at them online. kinda takes away from the realism but i should be able to fix that with a dab of black paint. the biggest problem are the two silver ones. now i have to go out and get some spray paint to try and match the color of the other ones. in the mean time I've scratched up the pain on the green ones and use a silver wash to get into and highlight those scratches. ill also have to start saving up cans for my pouches.  well thats it for this quick update.

being grenades are exposed to weather. i wouldnt worry so much about matching the paint up. if asked. just say you found them in different places. in army trucks, cargo boxes at overrun checkpoints. things like that. saves from having to match up paint. when it comes to the ones that need painting. do like you did with the others and when you scratch up the surface. use the silver wash to accent the scratches and you should be in business. how did the gun work when charged? fun or what? lol. first time i charged it. i had about 15 or 20 soft air BB's i put in it. then let it rip. forgot to go outside first though and smacked the piss out of moms collectable plates though. lol. should have heard her scream. lol.

God idea as for the gun it worked great. For 1 to 2 minute's.  then it jamed and I had to take the whole thing apart to fix it. But not before taking a gouge out of the fireing bolt so that the pelts no longer seat properly. Meaning no air pressure to shoot them. Im trying to repair it right now but if it doesnt work looks like it will become an ascetic only prop. : (

pellets? that only uses plastic BB's. you didnt try to shoot lead pellets did ya?

No of course not I just wasnt sure what to call them. Well my repair didnt work so looks like its just for show now.

and here are the grenades with the first pass of weathering.

for the green ones i just hit the edges with a silver sharpy to show paint whee and chips. for the two that came silver i first colored them with a green sharpy then took some of the paint off with sandpaper. finally i used a little bit of the silver sharpy jut to highlight a few places. so far they came out looking good i just have to hit all of them with a black and brown wash to complete the weathering.

i remember you mentioned being disappointed about the red lights on top of the grenades. i got an idea if your game. dont paint them black or do anything with them. i got a reason. i watched a movie last night that when i saw the grenades in it. they put me in mind of what you have. the movie was Starship Troopers. the grenades they had had flashing lights on them. the faster they flashed. the less time you had to get rid of it. so why not keep them like they are with the lights on top and go with a futuristic grenade look like theirs?

I like the way you are thinking because it will make the grenades look super unique!

I dont know im not really going for a futuristic look.


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am

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