Wicked Zombies


We've reached that point in the series when the popular SAW
roman numerals have been dropped because of public confusion. Isn't
that a sign that the series may be ready to end? Although the studio has
already flat out stated this will be the final chapter of the
vulnerable horror franchise today we here otherwise and it's from a
reputable source...

Follow up:

According to actress Betsy Russell (who plays Jigsaw's ex-wife Jill) she just revealed to NY Post that filmmakers are not ready to end the

"Before we thought it was ending [with 'Saw 7 in 3D'], the writers came up with an unbelievable idea [for 'Saw 8']," she said. "It's an amazing story that I would love to see."

Although Russel was very coy with here response on the eighth film
she did state that if the seventh film does well the studio will
immediately greenlight another installment.

She told the NY Post: "We want to end near the top, with our
integrity in tact and not letting the characters die a slow death, so to
speak. But I believe in my heart that someday, somehow, ['Saw 8'] will happen."

There you go Jigsaw fans! What to make of this news? Might we see SAW 8
possibly in 4D? It's laughable but at this point anything can and may
very well happen. Stay tuned as we try to see if the SAW franchise
really does hang on for life support.

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whats laughable is SAW 8. they killed the series when they killed the jigsaw killer. they needed to give this movie series its credits and let it be. none will top the first three movies. the rest is just verkill.
Can wait for saw 7 and 8 I love saw it's classic that's it!!!
they will never let this movie die lol
I was always a big Saw fan, until I seen part four. I never even bothered to see the fifth film. It has just become confusing and deluted. This is not Star Wars. And this tale has been told. I just dont feel they needed eight movies to tell it. I am usually a big sequel fan but I just cant seem to dig the Saw movies anymore. Let a dead dog die. I guess it all comes down to box office...$$$. The movie does OK and BAM, you have another one slated for next halloween.
Betsy Russel is scheduled to be at MonsterMania(horror konvention) Aug 18-20 in New Jersey and I am going, so I will definitely see if I can get any info out of her. And if she doesnt talk? I have my methods.
I guess we will see what happens.


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