Wicked Zombies


It's time to put all our zombie killing knowledge to the test, do you have what it takes to survive in a world over run by the living dead? Answer our daily zombie questions and you just might find out!



If in desperate need of food or supplies, you should travel into the nearest city to get them because you will have a great chance of finding what you need.



B: False


Situation: You and your team have decided to make camp next to a lake. In the far distance you see a body moving out on the water. You have a few hours until it is dark. What action should you take?


A: Leave it alone, it is too far away to reach you                                        

B: Move camp location further away from the lake                                      

C: Walk around the lake as a team to get a closer look then make a decision

D: Swim out to investigate the body closer and kill it if it's a zombie            


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new question of the day now up

You moved it...(LOL) I haven't gotten any emails of updated material for this subject...SO I might be behind on my answers...Plus I have been working on quiting smoking and I am going on week 3...Hell I might have missed the update email...

   First off, I wouldn't make camp near a body of water of any kind...Reason why are the bugs and the animals...I take my boys camping and even then, I refuse to camp near a body of water...It's not any kind of fear or anything like that, it's the fact that when I was a kid, we used to camp by a lake on the weekends and I used to get eaten up by the bugs...Even with a good fire and bug repellent candles and sprays, we always ended up with bug bites and even being woken up by wildlife coming in for water...

   Now, I would make camp close, but would be within walking distance of a few minutes to the water source...This would create a barrier between the bugs and the wildlife, me and the water source...

   Now for the answer to the question, I would have to go with C...This way I have scouted the entire area around the water source and would be able to judge whether to move on or pitch camp...This would also allow for us to investigate the situation in which could prove to be deadly to one of the team or all of the team...

yeah i gotta get back on this and start doing more of these questions

Lets get this back going...I was really enjoying this and really had to use that hamster on that wheel in my head to figure shit out...Don't stop now PLEASE....

alright buddy just for you.

I miss this one...It was one of those deals I used to keep my head on straight...Can't wait to see what you come up with...Cause I really enjoyed the question of the day....

Waiting on this to start back up....

im trying man i just got to find more questions. we did all the ones in that book i had.

(LOL)  Its all good....

None of the above, post a watch on what it is, your in a team so should be keeping watch on these things if it comes close and is not responding to you asking it to stop kill it, take no chances.

That is straight to the POINT!

Image result for stabbed zombie

i dis agree with the premise of the options, as i wouldn't camp near the lake in the first place.    (it is a shared water source, camping close scares away the game that i might be wanting to hunt. avoid disturbing the wildlife, and avoid being a target for property rights with another group)

so, i'd go with B.   keep a night watch (of course)  and keep visible light to a minimum.  (avoid replenishing water at night due to severe need to filter and boil, fire at night being beacons, etc)


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   Well, wanted to juststop in and check on things...Been a long time since I have stopped by...Well things are not going as well as I would have hoped, but, you know, that's life...

   Some good things are my son, has turned 18 and has also graduated high school...I'm very proud of him...He has plans of going back to school after the getting a job and saving money for the school with the music production studies he wants to do...So I am very proud of…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on June 26, 2023 at 1:00am

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