Wicked Zombies


It's time to put all our zombie killing knowledge to the test, do you have what it takes to survive in a world over run by the living dead? Answer our daily zombie questions and you just might find out!



If in desperate need of food or supplies, you should travel into the nearest city to get them because you will have a great chance of finding what you need.



B: False


Situation: You and your team have decided to make camp next to a lake. In the far distance you see a body moving out on the water. You have a few hours until it is dark. What action should you take?


A: Leave it alone, it is too far away to reach you                                        

B: Move camp location further away from the lake                                      

C: Walk around the lake as a team to get a closer look then make a decision

D: Swim out to investigate the body closer and kill it if it's a zombie            


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yeah its a great investment got mine for 20 dollars but that was years ago when the company was new. just look for WATER BOB. no wait did it for you here you go a video and a LINK. and still just 20 buck nice.

Thanks, got to wait till the 15th, but I'm getting one....

glad to help its an awesome little bit of peace of mind

today's new question is now up can you survive the zombie apocalypse?!

today's question still goes unanswered

I would chose D...It's just one of those things, where if there's nothing inside and the house is pretty much secured, popping a door and re-enforcing it back would be no problem...Clearing the house after entry is a must...You have to make sure there's no surprises...I like D due to the fact it does everything I would do....

yeah me too although I'm learning lock picking cause i figure why create a vulnerability where you don't have too. most front door locks are far to easy to deal with. if they don't use there dead bolt its even easier. i forget my keys more times then i like to admit in which case i just use an old rewards card i keep in my wallet. I'm in two seconds. picking a dead bolt is harder but i can and have done it with a paper clip. though i should get some real picks one day. people have to much faith in locks. you know what my security system is. 4 pit bulls, ill take them over a lock any day. lol

Cool...Like your security...Only thing is with animals, dosing them with sleeping meds placed in some food or tranquilizer gun...lol

 But as for lockpicking, everyone should learn at least the basics...You can pick up a set of picks pretty cheap...Amazon has plenty of sets for like 7 to 10 bucks and higher...

yeah but your average dumb ass locking for a quick score ain't gonna come near my place and i have nothing of value to attract any higher end thieves. just trying to keep the junkies and kids out you know. 

and yeah i know about the sets i have my eye on a few just never got around to ordering one. i kinda like knowing how to make my own. i keep a set of homemade shanks for opening pad locks in my wallet. you just cut em out of soda cans and you can pop a lock in like a second. unless its one of those hack saw proof ones but those are rare. I'll say it again people put way to much faith in locks.

Yeah they do...I used to be one of them...Till the day I took a bobby pin and a pair of pliers and PICKED a Master Lock...I literally shoved the bobby pin into the lock and using the pliers to clamp and hold the end of the pin, I twisted and the damn thing popped, I about shit my pants...I mean they used to should the master lock being shot with a 44 mag and it stayed locked, but a simple bobby pin and pliers popped the thing like it was nothing...It was shocking...Deffinently something I never for got...(LOL)

yeah there strong from damage but the cylinder and pin lock hasn't changed over like a hundred years, its fundamental flawed that way.

Got to be C...Cause waiting could cause you and your group to become food for the dead or easy targets for those to steal your stuff...(LOL) At least with hearing and then waking the group you stand a chance for y'all to run if need be or fight if you have too...


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Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on June 26, 2023 at 1:00am

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