Wicked Zombies


Unusual but handy? I think so. Below are just a couple of things I found useful and put in my B.O.B (Bug Out Bag). What things did you put in yours that you found useful but TV survivalists like Bear Grylls would turn his nose up at? Who Knows? What you recommend may save a fellow Komrads life during a ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE.

Ronco Pocket Fisherman

Credit Card Survival Tool

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Knowing how to Forage & Harvest Will Save Your Life.

The Forager's Harvest

A Guide to Identifying, Harvesting, and Preparing

Edible Wild Plants

By Samuel Thayer


i just checked out this website. i got a couple of the books that are on it. now that i know there are more books on wild plant harvesting. i will order more of them and from the site shown. thanks Vee. your a one of a kind gal. love ya lots...

my old celly was real into mushrooms and studying them, he had a book on wild mushrooms, had like a 1,000 kinds, and so many of em being poisonous, and the good ones and poisonous ones often look damn near EXACTLY alike...he said it takes years and years to be an expert and really safely be able to distinguish them.

he is right. i tend to avoid the whole mushroom thing for survival. one way to tell if a type is deadly or not is to watch the local wildlife. they can tell what is safe and whats not and will eat only what is safe. a controlled way to do this is to catch a rat. exception of water, dont feed it for a couple of days. then when ready. feed it some of the mushrooms you collect. if it eats them and dies. you know to get rid of what you harvested. if not, then you can eat them. after a while you will be able to identify them by site and no longer need the rats to figure it out because of acquiring the experience you will need. this was done a lot during the Vietnam war by our soldiers to find out exactly what wild plants and fungus like mushrooms could and couldnt be eaten in a pinch and they learned that one from the Vietnamese people. the reason i know this is because i used to hang around the local VFW posts as a kid with my grandfather and got to talk to a lot of the veterans from that war and other wars like Korea and World War II. you can get a lot of survival know how from those men. if you volunteer for work at one. you can talk to them yourself and learn way more then what you can find in books. stuff that is tried and proved true.

So much great stuff I feel safe

definatly a Shamwow

i life in North Texas, and it's pretty much a desert climate most the time.   a shamwow towel is actually very useful for gathering moisture.   i like to wipe down the tall grass early in the morning from where the chilly nights create dew right before morning.    do this a few times for about 30 minutes and you can fill a canteen.

digging a hole and putting this in muddy water will help you gain valuable moisture when you normally wouldn;t be able to gather anything drinkable from the mud.   (filter and sterilize before consumption of course)


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Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on June 26, 2023 at 1:00am

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