Wicked Zombies


Hey guys, 

   I was reading a book and something actually caught my eye and really gave me fits about wanting to know. Now, we know that us humans become more aggressive and violent as food starts to become scarce to the point we turn on those around us, so what about zombies? 

   If their food supply started to become scarce and the survivors became more able to hide from them better, would they become as aggressive and violent towards each other as we do?  I'm only going at this at the view of a common man, you know, a simple country boy...(L) I know when we don't eat, we are easily pissed off. And to some reasoning, we will fight over a french fry. And in some parts of the world, people fight over bread crumbs in order to fight off the hunger. So if a zombie is basically like us, just dead, would they have the same agression towards other zombies when food becomes nil and void??? 

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in my opinion. being they have the same primal need to feed as we do. to me, it would make sense to assume they would turn on each other for a food source. that is when all else is depleted of course. the first thing i think they would do is eat other things like cats and dogs. then the smaller hard to catch things like rats and mice. then when all is exhausted that way. themselves. the stronger would eat the weaker.

I read this one book where zombies would go into like this kinda feeding frenzy and eat each other. It was totally bad ass dude. They would like get all worked up and and tons of them would do this thing that was almost like a freak mosh pit but they were absolutely tearing each other apart and it was all gore and shit. Blood massacre at its finest, so yea. I can see it. Even if they are unreasoning beings that are driven for living flesh they might get agitated and go at it on another dead douche bag. 

tough call because would they be able to have that ability? I understand the primal urge to feed would be there, but that's it. No stomach telling the brain I'm hungry feed me now, and even if they did feel agitated, they would lack the capacity to even be able to become more aggressive due to lacking motor skills...I guess the question would remain up in the air. I doubt that they would turn and eat eachother though

as long as there is that need to feed. then you cant rule out the possibility of a zombie being so ravenous from a lack of food that they wont tear into another. but i will always feel that all other forms will have to be exhausted before that will happen.

Damn great question.  Everyone knows the lack of brains. Yeah I think they will have to be zombie cannibals.


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Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on June 26, 2023 at 1:00am

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